Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Human Resources Management Policies

- 2019/04/09

1. Human Resources Management Policies

1.1 Training Policy

The Deanship of Information Technology adopts a training policy that enables it to manage this process through the application of best practices. This policy contributes in achieving the strategic goal of increasing the efficiency and productivity of the employees of Umm Al-Qura University, which will have a positive effect on workflow and output. This policy is based on the training and external scholarship regulations of the affiliates of Umm Al-Qura University and on the executive and procedural rules of the university.


This policy is applicable to all employees of the Deanship of Information Technology and those receiving training at it.


  • Development of human resources to guarantee professionalism in leadership, administrative, and technical work.
  • To ensure the flow of the training process according to the plans developed for this purpose.
  • To apply quality concepts.
  • To coordinate the distribution of human and financial resources and pay attention to the work agenda.
  • To ensure the approval of the relevant entities is received.
  • To ensure stakeholders have been informed of all details.
  • To ensure post-training reviews are carried out effectively to ensure the improvement of training.



  1. Training at the deanship is managed electronically according to the most modern systems for training management, which are appropriate for Umm Al-Qura University.
  2. Engaging information technology companies to help manage training and offer consultations, or carry out executive processes.
  3. Programs providers must have professional qualifications and appropriate levels of experience and training.
  4. All external bodies offering training programs at the Deanship of Information Technology should abide by the approved policies of the deanship.
  5. The Department of Training should supervise all training programs offered at the deanship.
  6. All training applications should be submitted electronically and evaluated according to the frameworks approved by the Department of Training at the Deanship of Information Technology.
  7. All the goals and topics of the training programs should be included.

Executive Policy and Procedures:

Regulations of Choosing Training Programs Fields:

  1. Training field should serve the works of the deanship.
  2. The deanship should develop its employees in this field.
  3. The body offering the training program should be certified and have the relevant experience.
  4. Suitability of program costs to the budget dedicated for training.
  5. Availability of the program to an appropriate number of deanship employees.

Regulations for choosing training bodies:

  1. The body offering the training program should be certified and have the relevant experience.
  2. The trainers should be certified and have the best certified certificates in the desired field.
  3. Priority is given to training through the internet, then training inside the Kingdom, and finally training outside the Kingdom.

Regulations for choosing an employee to receive training:

  1. The employee should be in need of training to upgrade their level and increase their productivity.
  2. The training should motivate the employee.
  3. The employee must have had good employment performance during the previous two years.
  4. The employee should be competent in the language in which the program is offered.