The Vice Deanship for e-Transactions takes charge of the development and management of all e-services at the University, such as the processes of online admission for new students; inserting and modifying student schedules; managing the email accounts and addresses of all the University’s employees and students; managing and updating the University’s website. This is in addition to all e-transactions between the University’s administrative and academic entities. Furthermore, the Vice Deanship works on developing the current systems in accordance with the necessities and specificities of work and the requirements of the times. It also endeavors so the University can become a leader in the area e-transactions, and to have its services reaching the maximum degree of development, effectiveness, and integration.
The Vice Deanship consists of a group of entities working in an integrated manner to implement the Vice Deanship’s operational plans and achieve the goals of the Deanship’s strategic plan. They are as follows:
- Secretariat of the Vice Deanship
- Information and Decision-Making Support Unit
- Applications Department
- University’s e-Portal Department
- User Interface Development Department
- System Analysis Department
Organizational Structure of the Vice Deanship for e-Transactions
Objectives of the Vice Deanship
The Vice Deanship for e-Transactions seeks to achieve a set of objectives, among the most important of which are the following:
- Redeveloping the entire system of information and automating all academic and administrative procedures using the ADF technology.
- Developing the ERP resource management system.
- Redeveloping the system interconnection environment.
- Debugging databases and building decision support systems.
- Developing the systems of performance indicators; reports; business intelligence; and tracking monitors.
- Developing self-services and the backing portals.
Secretariat of the Vice Deanship
The Supervisor of the Secretariat takes care of the progress and management of the Secretariat’s tasks. The Supervisor works under the direct supervision of the Vice Dean. He receives those referring to the Secretariat, whether faculty members; employees; students; representatives of companies; or external government and private entities.
The Supervisor of the Secretariat is entrusted with many administrative functions, namely:
- Receiving and the transactions and letters incoming to the Vice Dean in accordance with the instructions.
- Preparing letters; circulars; administrative decisions; and announcements in accordance with the instructions and directions of the Vice Dean.
- Ordering and archiving the files, transactions, and correspondences of the office to ensure they are properly used in the present and future.
- Organizing the meetings of the Vice Dean; coordinating between members; sending invitations; and following up the preparation of the minutes of meetings.
- Putting forward notes, suggestions, and perceptions on the development of work within the Vice Deanship in general and the Secretariat of the Vice Deanship in particular.
- Participating in interim and permanent committees that are within the Vice Deanship, in accordance with work requirements.
Information and Decision-Making Support Unit
The Information and Decision-Making Support Unit is entrusted with data collection; information extraction; creating statistical reports and synthesis data. This is in addition to responding to the queries of the internal and external entities of the University. The functions of the Unit can be summed up as follows:
- Extracting information from the databases of the University.
- Collecting data from the different entities of the University.
- Auditing, examining, following up, and evaluating data.
- Correcting data with the relevant entities within the University.
- Creating the statistical reports; synthesis data; and annual reports of the University.
- Meeting the information and statistical needs of internal entities.
- Supplying statistical information and reports to external entities like the Ministry of Civil Service; the Ministry of Health; and other external entities.
- Submitting to the Ministry of Education elaborate data on faculty members; employees; and students.
- Responding to the queries of the Ministry of Education and coordinating between the Ministry and the University.
- Providing the information; statistics; and statistical reports that entities needs on the different entities of the University.