Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Guidebooks and Regulations

- 2019/02/11

Guidebooks and Regulations*

First: Faculty Members and Employees Guidebooks

Employees’ Code of Conduct and Common Professional Ethics.

Professional Rights and Duties.

Regulations for the Ministry of Civil Service.

Procedural Guide for Service Realization.

Regulations for Employee Affairs at Saudi Universities, including Faculty Members and Similar Staff.

Regulations for Non-Saudi Recruitment in Universities.

Contract Procedures Guide.

Professional Performance Management Regulations.

Professional Performance Appraisal Guidelines.

Regulations for Scholarships and University Training.

Regulations for Teaching Assistants and Lecturers Committee.

Procedures for Upgrading Teaching Assistants to Lecturers.

Second: Student Affairs Guidebooks

Student Rights and Duties Bylaws.

Student Rights Booklet for Faculty Members.

Student Rights Booklet for Faculty Members.

University Student Guide.

Female University Student Guide.

Regulations for Student Clubs.

Third: Academic Procedures Guidebooks

Program Development and Modernization Guide.

Academic Accreditation Guide - Sure Steps towards Accreditation.

Regulations for Postgraduate Studies at the University.

Policies of Library Affairs Deanship (References, Periodicals, and Digital Library)( draft)

Fourth: Scientific Research Guidebooks

Scientific Research Standard Regulations.

Regulations Governing Scientific Research Ethics.

Regulations Governing Research Chairs.

Regulations Governing Research Groups.

Research Centers bylaws.

Rules Governing Grants and Internal Research (second edition)

Intellectual Property Regulations (Draft).

Fifth: Financial and Administrative Guidebooks

Governmental Competition and Procurement System.

Executive Regulations for Governmental Competition and Procurement System.

State's General Budget Classification Guide.

Procedural Guide for Procurement and Tender Management.

Procedural Steps for Contractors’ Financial Transactions.

Financial Management Procedures Guide (Draft).

Practical Procedures Guide for Planning and Budget Management (Draft).

Executive Regulations for Publications and Publishing System.

Policies and Procedures Guide for Information Technology Deanship.

Regulations for Site Hosting Service.

Regulations for Content Deployment.

Editorial Policy.

Umm Al-Qura University Advisory Committees Regulations (Draft)

* Cited from the Website of the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality
