Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

College and Departments Council Bylaws

- 2019/10/16

** Based on the Higher Education Council and Universities Bylaws

Article 33:

The Council of the College or the Institute consists of:

  • Dean (Chairman)
  • Vice Deans
  • Heads of Departments

The University Council may add a maximum of three members to its board, upon the recommendations of the College or Institute Council and the approval of the University President. They shall be chosen from amongst the staff members in the college or institute or an equivalent college in the university branches. It may define their membership term.

Article 34:

In accordance with the herein Regulations and the Higher Education Council and/or University Council Statutes, the College or Institute Council shall consider issues pertaining to the college or institute, and specifically shall:

  1. Propose the appointment of staff members, lecturers, and teaching assistants, as well as decide on their secondment, delegation and promotion.
  2. Propose the academic plans including modifications thereto and coordinate with related departments.
  3. Propose curricula, textbooks and references in the college or institute departments.
  4. Promote academic research and coordinate between college or institute departments for publication.
  5. Propose exam schedules and set regulations for setting them.
  6. Propose college or institute internal rules and regulations.
  7. Propose training courses and scholarship plans required for each college or institute.
  8. Propose college extracurricular activities plans.
  9. Decide upon related students’ affairs, or refer matters to the University Council when necessary.
  10. Consider any issues referred by the University Council, its president, or its vice president for reviews and comments.

Article 35:

The College or Institute Council shall be called to assemble by its president at least on a monthly basis. Meetings shall not be validated unless attended by two-thirds of its members. The Council resolutions are approved on the basis of absolute majority of the present members’ votes, and in case of equal votes, the president shall have the casting vote. Resolutions shall be deemed valid unless met with objections on the part of the university president within the span of fifteen days starting from the date of receiving them. In case of objection to them, they shall be returned to the University Council with the president’s view attached for re-consideration. If the Council persists, the resolution disagreed upon shall be referred to the University Council for discussion in an ordinary or extraordinary session. The University Council may ratify, modify, or revoke the resolutions, and its decision therein shall be conclusive and final. The Council may form permanent and interim committees of its members or independent parties.

Deans and Vice Deans

Article 36:

The appointed college or institute deans shall be chosen from amongst the Saudi teaching staff members demonstrating academic and administrative distinction. They are appointed for two years, liable for renewal, according to a resolution issued by the Minister of Higher Education, and based on the university rector’s nomination.

Article 37:

The dean shall manage the academic, financial and administrative affairs of the college or institute within the framework of the herein Regulations. At the end of academic year, the dean shall submit a report to the university president regarding the educational affairs and other activities relating to the college or institute.

Article 38:

Each college or institute may have one or more vice deans chosen from amongst the Saudi teaching staff members who demonstrate academic and administrative distinction. They are appointed for two years, liable for renewal, according to a resolution issued by the university president, and based on the dean’s nomination. The vice dean shall assist the dean in their activities. If there is more than one vice dean, the senior among them shall take over if the dean is absent or his office becomes vacant. Also if there is more than one vice dean, one of them will be assigned the secretariat of the college or institute.

Article 39:

Deans of Assistant Deanships shall be appointed from amongst the Saudi teaching staff members demonstrating academic and administrative distinction, according to a resolution issued by the Minister of Higher Education based on the university rector’s nomination. They are appointed for two years, liable for renewal.

Article 40:

Vice Deans of Assistant Deanships may be appointed from amongst the Saudi teaching staff members demonstrating academic and administrative distinction. They are appointed by the university president according to the dean’s nomination. They are appointed for two years, liable for renewal. The vice dean shall assist the dean in the assigned activities and takes over if the dean is absent or if their office is vacant.

Colleges and Institutes Departments

Article 41:

Each department in the college or institute shall have a council, which comprises its staff members, and shall have some authority over its academic, financial and administrative affairs, which fall within the framework of the herein Regulations.

Article 42:

The Department Council shall meet upon the call of the head of the department at least once a month, and is considered valid only if attended by two-thirds of its members. The Council resolution shall pass by absolute majority of the present members’ votes and in the event of equal votes, the head of the department shall have the casting vote. The Council’s resolutions shall be deemed valid unless met with objections on the part of the college or institute dean within the span of fifteen days from the date of receiving them. If the Council persists, the disagreed-upon resolutions shall be referred to the College Council, which has the authority to make a conclusive decision.

Article 43:

The Department Council shall propose to the College Council the academic plan, curricula, textbooks and references, as well as issues concerning the appointment and promotion of staff members, lecturers and teaching assistants. Furthermore, it shall study the academic and scientific research projects, distribute lectures and training activities amongst the staff members and teaching assistants, as well as organize the department’s affairs. Each department shall teach the curricula falling under its specialization after being approved by the University Council.

The Department Council may form permanent or interim committees of its members.

Article 44:

The head of the department shall be appointed from amongst the Saudi teaching staff members who demonstrate academic and administrative distinction by the university president based on the dean’s nomination. They are appointed for two years, liable for renewal.
