Journal Name |
Category |
Nature Medicine |
1078-8956 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Materials |
1476-1122 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Methods |
1548-7091 |
A |
50000 |
Nature |
0028-0836 |
A |
50000 |
Cell Host & Microbe |
1931-3128 |
A |
50000 |
ACS Nano |
1936-0851 |
A |
50000 |
Angewandte Chemie International Edition |
1433-7851 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Climate Change |
1758-678X |
A |
50000 |
Nature Photonics |
1749-4885 |
A |
50000 |
Water Research |
0043-1354 |
A |
50000 |
Cell |
0092-8674 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Neuroscience |
1097-6256 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Geoscience |
1752-0894 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Genetics |
1061-4036 |
A |
50000 |
Immunity |
1074-7613 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Biotechnology |
1087-0156 |
A |
50000 |
Geology |
0091-7613 |
A |
50000 |
Journal of Clinical Investigation |
0021-9738 |
A |
50000 |
Developmental Cell |
1534-5807 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Nanotechnology |
1748-3387 |
A |
50000 |
Cell Metabolism |
1550-4131 |
A |
50000 |
Cancer Cell |
1535-6108 |
A |
50000 |
Cell Stem Cell |
1934-5909 |
A |
50000 |
Science Translational Medicine |
1946-6234 |
A |
50000 |
Science |
0036-8075 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology |
1545-9993 |
A |
50000 |
Advanced Materials |
0935-9648 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Immunology |
1529-2908 |
A |
50000 |
Molecular Cell |
1097-2765 |
A |
50000 |
Plant Cell |
1040-4651 |
A |
50000 |
Journal of Experimental Mledicine |
0022-1007 |
A |
50000 |
Current Biology |
0960-9822 |
A |
50000 |
Neuron |
0896-6273 |
A |
50000 |
Ecology Letters |
1461-023X |
A |
50000 |
ISME Journal |
1751-7362 |
A |
50000 |
Genes & Development |
0890-9369 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Physics |
1745-2473 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Chemistry |
1755-4330 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Chemical Biology |
1552-4450 |
A |
50000 |
Nature Cell Biology |
1465-7392 |
A |
50000 |
Molecular Psychiatry |
1359-4184 |
A |
50000 |
Advanced Functional Materials |
1616-301X |
A |
50000 |
American Journal of Human Genetics |
0002-9297 |
B |
40000 |
PLOS Biology |
1544-9173 |
B |
40000 |
EMBO Journal |
0261-4189 |
B |
40000 |
Genome Research |
1088-9051 |
B |
40000 |
Organic Letters |
1523-7060 |
B |
40000 |
Physical Review X |
2160-3308 |
B |
40000 |
Analytical Chemistry |
0003-2700 |
B |
40000 |
Nature Communications |
2041-1723 |
B |
40000 |
Environmental Science and Technology |
0013-936X |
B |
40000 |
Nano Letters |
1530-6984 |
B |
40000 |
Cancer Research |
0008-5472 |
B |
40000 |
eLife |
2050-084X |
B |
40000 |
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta |
0016-7037 |
B |
40000 |
Journal of the American Chemical Society |
0002-7863 |
B |
40000 |
Physical Review Letters |
0031-9007 |
B |
40000 |
Science Advances |
2375-2548 |
B |
40000 |
Earth and Planetary Science Letters |
0012-821X |
B |
40000 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
0020-1669 |
B |
40000 |
Macromolecules |
0024-9297 |
C |
30000 |
Astrophysical Journal Letters |
2041-8205 |
C |
30000 |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
0027-8424 |
C |
30000 |
Geophysical Research Letters |
0094-8276 |
C |
30000 |
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters |
1948-7185 |
C |
30000 |
Chemical Science |
2041-6520 |
C |
30000 |
PLOS Genetics |
1553-7404 |
C |
30000 |
Astronomy & Astrophysics |
0004-6361 |
C |
30000 |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B |
0962-8452 |
C |
30000 |
Journal of Neuroscience |
0270-6474 |
C |
30000 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
1029-8479 |
C |
30000 |
Physical Review D |
2470-0010 |
C |
30000 |
Journal of Geophysical Research:Solid Earth |
2169-9313 |
C |
30000 |
Journal of Geophysical Research:Atmospheres |
2169-897X |
C |
30000 |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society:Letters |
0035-8711 |
C |
30000 |
Journal of Cell Biology |
0021-9525 |
C |
30000 |
European Physical Journal C |
1434-6044 |
D |
25000 |
Chemical Communications |
1359-7345 |
D |
25000 |
Applied Physics Letters |
0003-6951 |
D |
25000 |
Journal of Biological Chemistry |
1083-351X |
D |
25000 |
Physical Review B |
2469-9950 |
D |
25000 |
Physical Review A |
2469-9926 |
D |
25000 |