Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Graduation and Honors

- 2016/06/09


The graduating of a student takes place after the graduation requirements are successfully met, and all the credit hours of each department are passed. The competent body awards the graduate one of the following ratings  

  • Excellent if the cumulative rating is no less than 3.5
  • Very good of the cumulative rating is from (2.75) to less than (3.5)
  • Good if the cumulative rating is from (1.75) to less than (2.75)
  • Acceptable if the cumulative rating is from (1) to less than (1.75)

Requirements to be met get the graduation certificate taken out

  • Finishing the graduation requirements successfully by cumulative rating no less than 1.00 out of 4.00
  • Getting withdrawal form and disclaimer from the university ad getting them approved by the department, college, central library, student’s affairs deanship and admission and enrolment deanship

Requirements standing in the way of getting the graduation certificate issued

  • Being short of the graduation requirements “shortage of study plan courses”
  • Not meeting the minimum graduation cumulative rating
  • Delivering withdrawal form and disclaimer from the university without having it approved by the competent bodies 


First Honors are awarded for the student earning a cumulative rating higher than or equal (3.75) when they graduate. And the second-ranked honors are awarded for the student earning a cumulative rating from (3.25) to less than (3.75) to (4.00), according to the following regulations and conditions:

  • Student must not have failed in any of the courses they studied at the University or any other university
  • Student must have finished all the graduation requirements within a period averaging the minimum and maximum of the period they spend in their college
  • Student must have studied at the university from which they are to graduate no less than %60 of the graduation requirements   

Honors loss

Apart from the summer semester, student loses honors if they apologized for any semester. And for more information and getting the models of the enrolment and result processes, please visit the website of the Admission and Enrolment Deanship.
