Rating and Academic Transcript - Physics - College of Applied Sciences - College of Applied Sciences | Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Rating and Academic Transcript

- 2016/06/09

Cumulative Rating Calculating

First: calculating the points of each course

Course is defined as a subject of the accredited study plan for each specialty during the semester. It is categorized by a number, symbol, title and description differentiating them from their equivalents in terms of content and level. 

Points of each course recorded in the student’s timetable are calculated by computing the course grade multiplied by the course credit hours.


Second: Calculating the Semester Rating

The semester rating is calculated by the total of the semester course points divided by the total of the credit hours of the semester courses.

Third: Calculating the Cumulative Rating


The cumulative rating is calculated by the total of all the course points divided by the total of the course credit hours

Academic Transcript

It is a record demonstrating the student’s academic path, and it covers all the courses studied in each semester with their symbols and their numbers and the number of their units as well as the grades they are earned combined. Also, the record includes the symbol and the value of these grades, the semester and cumulative  ratings and the aggregate rating. 
