The student enrollment is cancelled if they drop 4 consecutive semesters without filing a postponement or suspension application.
Students of the Preparatory Year
Students’ enrollment is cancelled from the preparatory year in the following cases:
The student’s enrollment is immediately cancelled if they fail in more than one study subject, whether in one semester or the total of both semesters.
The student’s enrollment is immediately cancelled if they get grade F, in case of failing to attend 25% of the total attendance hours of any curriculum.
The student’s enrollment is cancelled at the end of the school year if they fail in both English subjects.
The student’s enrollment is cancelled at the end of the school year if they do not pass in all subjects of the preparatory year.
The student’s enrollment is cancelled at the end of the school year if they score less than 1.75, even if they pass all subjects.
Interrupted-study students or those who quit completely may be re-enrolled according to the following guidelines:
Interrupted-study students or those who quit completely may submit an application for re-enrollment within four semesters from date of study interruption or withdrawal from the university, with their university ID and records, to the Admission and Registration Deanship before the school year starts till the first week of the school year, enclosing the concerned documents.
The application is referred to the concerned faculty and the faculty council studies it to make the decision whether or not to re-enroll the student, after obtaining the approval of the concerned bodies. The Admission and Registration Deanship is informed of the faculty council decision within the first week of the school year.
The period of interruption must not exceed six semesters
The spouses of those on scholarships and the like are exempted from the above condition, as long as they submit supporting documents, according to the following guidelines:
That the student completes 50% of the study plan subjects.
That their GPA when they quit was at least 2.00
That the study plan in which the student enrolled is still ongoing
Students of the preparatory year (regular) are not to be re-enrolled unless they obtain an approval of compulsory transfer to any department that does not necessitate to pass the preparatory year.
Students of the Community College and Continuous Education are not to be re-enrolled (Qualification Year/Preparatory Year).