Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Web Hosting Service Regulation

- 2018/02/22

Regulation of the Web Hosting Service v1.1

(Colleges, Deanships, Departments Centers, Research Centers)



An Overview about the Web Hosting Service:


It is a service provided by the Information Technology Deanship for the entities allowed access to it. This aims at improving the electronic services offered through allowing these entities to build their own website away from the University’s main website. This in turn gives them more control over the interface, programming infrastructure and databases.

Mind you that such a service will be delivered alongside “My Website” service which is accessible for all such as colleges, deanships, departments and centers.



Entities allowed access to “Web Hosting” service:

The Information Technology Deanship is interested in legalizing the Web Hosting service. Therefore, the entities allowed access to it are the ones who have their own systems or applications.


Policy of Use

  1. Sticking to the general identity of the University website: the Information Technology Deanship will provide entities with the instructions and files needed.
  2. In case the user should need sing-in information, they must stick to the unified entry registration of the University: Single Sign-On (SSO).
  3. Should the user need any data about the University; they are to coordinate with the Information Technology Deanship, as well as obtaining the approval of the competent authority.
  4. . Web Hosting service must be limited to the educational and research frame.
  5. The Web Hosting service imposes a ban over distributing, storing, using, processing or linking the following:
    • Illegal materials: this involves right-reserved programs, scripts, audio recordings and videos; or any materials go against the laws of any given organization or government and violate the intellectual property rights. And, any other materials break the laws of Um Al Qura University and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.   
    • Materials hold sexual content such as pictures, movies, audio recordings and texts.
    • Pirated materials: these include all the pirated software and scripts with all their type combined, and hacking and system penetration programs ad viruses.
    • Email spam: sending spam or a big number of messages is strictly banned.
  6. Should the beneficiary commit any of the above-mentioned banned acts, they will be served a notice. And, in case they should not respond, the website will be suspended until all previously-mentioned infringements are cleared.  Should such acts be repeated, the Web Hosting will be canceled altogether. And, the beneficiary is not allowed to file for compensations.
  7. Illegally accessing any someone else’s account at the server is banned. And if happened, the Web Hosting will be canceled altogether. The beneficiary has no right to for compensation.  
  8. Any website involves in activities having the server fail or affect its performance will be suspended as this harms the rest of the other beneficiaries’ websites at the servers of the Information Technology Deanship.
  9. The Information Technology Deanship is allowed to delete any files or information deemed as undesirable or conflicting with this agreement without returning for the beneficiary.
  10. The information Technology Deanship is to take a daily or weekly spare copy for all the servers it hosts. However, the spare copy for data is solely possessed by the beneficiary. As such, the Deanship is not liable for the loss of any data or files under any circumstances. 
  11. The beneficiary is fully in charge of the website in terms of updating content, protecting the website and updating software used.
  12. The beneficiary is fully liable for any failure, losses or any materials banned to be added at the website subscribed to the University before the bodies concerned.
  13. The beneficiary is completely liable for the full content of the website, and the Information and technology Deanship does not share any liabilities.
  14. The information Technology Deanship has the right to amend the policy of use every now and then. These amendments are to take effect immediately. The beneficiary will be notified with amendments at the beneficiary’s official email, which falls within the domain of University.


Technical terms:

  1. The website must be programmed with PHP: hypertext Preprocessor, and databases of MySQL type.
  2. The website design must hold a header, and it must clearly show the University logo. The University logo bear a link connected to the University’s main website
  3. The design must be consistent with the main browsers.
  4. RSS reader must be provided when it comes to news.
  5. The website must have a map such as sitemap.xml.
  6. Any encrypted software files are banned to be uploaded.
  7. Posting any advertising links for the company built the website or other external bodies are banned.
  8. The size of the photos uploaded at the website must be more than pixel 1024*1024.



  1. The beneficiary undertakes to commit to the use terms and policy, and to use it for educational and research purposes.
  2. The beneficiary takes full responsibility for building its website to the effect that it only belongs to the beneficiary. No other entities are allowed to benefit from the Web Hosting service away from the beneficiary. 
  3. The beneficiary undertakes to manage and develop the content of the website.
  4. The beneficiary is bound to provide work team in charge of developing and managing the website, and to give the Information Technology Deanship their contact details. They are to assign a person holding an official position at the University to be in charge of the website developing d managing team.
  5. The beneficiary is fully liable for the work team, and the procedures they take in terms of the Web Hosting service.


