Biochemistry is a branch of basic medical sciences that specializes in studying all aspects related to changes and chemical reactions that occur inside living cells in human body including the chemical composition and various components of the living cell. Biochemistry also studies the various biochemical reactions that occur inside the living cells in terms of construction and synthesis or in terms of demolition and energy production. The biochemists always conduct searches on how to take advantage of these studies on other organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, animals and plants to safely apply them to human in the field of medical diagnosis and medical treatment.
The biochemistry curriculum includes the study of the composition, metabolism and functionality of the cellular components and how they work, such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, enzymes and other vital molecules. In addition, the study will include vitamins and minerals, their role in living cells, the composition of the cell membrane and the transfer of vital signs within cells and in between them. The study will also include the genetic basis of different compounds in cases of health and disease, and ways and means of treatment.