The birth of the UQU Department of Scholarships marked the starting point for a new phase of educational development that contributed to building a world-class knowledge community. It has played a substantial role in honing academic skills, such that helped meet the requirements of total quality management (TQM), and improve the quality of education to be competitive at the international level.
Ever since the department has come into being, coinciding with the launch of the College of Shari'a and Islamic Studies, which is the first Saudi higher education institution, followed by the College of Education, there has arisen the need to offer masters and doctoral scholarships for graduates of those two colleges. Deemed to be an effective instrument of development, scholarships have received utmost attention and colossal support. In so doing, the university has sought to improve the quality of education, and make good use of the academic staff's knowledge and expertise. The department has supplied the university with highly qualified and well trained human resources, in a manner commensurate with the internationally approved standards.
Since then, the Kingdom has opted to invest heavily in this area, and to open the door wide for Saudis to see other cultures in all walks of life. By offering staff educational and training opportunities throughout their careers, they would be able to continuously hone their skills, develop their capabilities, and make them, hence, ready to address the society's ever increasing demands.
To adopt a strategy that goes in line with the Saudi well-established policy based on the continuing development and enhancement of human resources as a means to support the Kingdom's education.