The Vice Deanship for Educational Affairs is the body through which the university's regulations are supervised and plans are developed to improve academic work and the quality of outputs in the college. This will contribute - God willing - to building a bright future for our country. The Vice Deanship is also affiliated with many specialized committees and units that carry out specific roles that will achieve the vision of the college in reaching the highest levels. The Vice Deanship for Educational Affairs seeks to provide and the professional and ethical training of students. This could be achieved through providing educational and academic capabilities of the highest standards and providing educational opportunities for the people of the community. This could be realized by investing all the available resources in order to achieve scientific leadership that will lead the society to the ranks of advanced societies and achieve the development aspirations sought by our wise leadership.
E-services to communicate with students:
The College of Health Sciences in Al-Leith is keen to communicate with its staff members and faculty electronically through electronic lists containing e-mail and mobile messages for all employees, given the importance of the development of information technology and making the most of all sources to ensure the saving of time and effort and thus contributing to the development and growth of the educational process.
Establishing an academic unit for female students:
The Deanship of the College of Health Sciences in Al-Leith has accomplished coordination and development of operational plans for the Office of Academic Services for female students in order to play its role in preparing, organizing and accomplishing all academic processes and making the most of the available capabilities in the female section to ensure saving time and effort and thus contributing to the development and growth of the educational process.
Establishment of the Alumni Unit:
Based on the keenness of the College of Health Sciences in Al-Leith on its graduates, the Alumni Unit was established. Through this unit, the college seeks to continue to communicate with its graduates, who are a great source of pride. Since the student is the main focus of the educational process, the Alumni Unit at the college seeks to know the views, suggestions and professional problems of graduates. It also seeks to benefit from feedback from their employers with regard to their scientific and practical levels, which helps the college in the development of its academic programs and the continuous improvement of its educational outcomes.