Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Programs of the College of Social Sciences

- 2018/03/11

College of Social Sciences

Master’s Degree Program – Department of English Language

Program Data

Program Objectives

Program’s Outputs for the Labor Market

Link to the Department or College

Program Name

Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics


  • Developing the knowledge and understanding of the concepts, issues, and research methods that have recently emerged in the main areas in the field of applied linguisitics.
  • Enhancing students’ ability to carry out critical analysis on the issues that affect current educational practices in the areas of applied linguistics and language instruction.
  • Providing an environment in which students will be able to enhance their academic and research capacities while they work on developing practically applicable ideas.
  • Increasing the achievement of knowledge for instructors who have experience in the field of English language instruction and learning.  
  • Expanding the scope of scientific research in applied linguistics.
  • Preparing students to investigate the linguistic problems and issues encountered in daily life.
  • Developing the understanding of not only the English language, but also of the culture of its speakers. 


  • Working in the field of language instruction through the English language centers at Saudi universities.
  • Working in supervising English language teachers at public schools.  
  • Working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a translator/interpreter within the Kingdom or as an external attaché at Saudi embassies and consulates abroad.
  • Working at the Islamic centers affiliated with the Kingdom abroad.
  • Working at the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques through translating/interpreting Friday sermons at the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque.
  • Working in the field of translation/interpretation, especially with the official delegations that arrive at the Kingdom on various occasions.
  • Working in the field of Islamic call after receiving the Islamic legal training necessary to present an honorable image of the Islamic religion.
  • Participating in the different ideological and cultural dialogues among different cultures, which promotes communication and the introduction of our country’s culture.
  • Working in the media field with its different sectors (visual - audio - print) through writing and revising media reports; language editing; reviewing and following up the content published about the Kingdom in the media worldwide; and presenting news bulletins in English.

For more information, check out the Department’s page on the University’s website at the following link:

Program Date

Started 1405 AH - first development 1418 AH - second development 1424 AH

Third development in progress, to be completed by the start of the academic year 1440 AH

Program Duration

2 years

Type of Study

Courses and research project




College of Social Sciences

Master’s Degree Program – Department of English Language

Program Data

Program Objectives

Program’s Outputs for the Labor Market

Link to the Department or College

Program Name

Master’s Degree in English Literature

  • Reaching a mature and deep understanding of Western thought through comprehending Western literature, in order to properly address those nations; influence them; and alter their attitude after realizing their faults.
  • Providing assistance to Islamic call by revealing the different aspects of the Western character and what is going on in the Western mind and what is driving it.
  • Serving the various official sectors and entities that need to address or deal with the thoughts of Westerners. 
  • Graduating students distinguished by a high level of English language mastery through studying the works of the pioneers of American and British literature.
  • Directing students’ research in a way that serves Islam and Muslims, in addition to building bridges for cultural and civilizational communication with other nations.
  • Developing scientific research in a manner that enables students to keep pace with scientific developments. 
  • Teaching English language through the role of Lecturer or Language Instructor at universities.
  • Teaching English language at public schools and in the private sector.
  • Working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as Saudi embassies and consulates abroad.
  • Working at the Islamic centers affiliated with the Kingdom abroad.
  • Working as study supervisors at cultural missions abroad.
  • Working at the bureaus of military missions abroad.
  • Working at the various security agencies that require a distinctive level of English language mastery.
  • Working in the area of the dialogue of cultures and religions.

For more information, check out the Department’s page on the University’s website at the following link:

(Type the link to the department concerned)

Program Date

Started 1405 AH - first development 1418 AH - second development 1424 AH

Third development in progress, to be completed by the start of the academic year 1440 AH

Program Duration

2 years

Type of Study

Courses and research project




College of Social Sciences

Master’s Degree Program – Department of English Language

Program Data

Program Objectives

Program’s Outputs for the Labor Market

Link to the Department or College

Program Name

Master’s Degree in Translation

  • Encouraging translation from and into Arabic in all fields of knowledge, especially Islamic studies.
  • Giving students who have a great urge and adequate capacity the opportunity to resume their graduate studies at Umm Al-Qura University, and thus reducing the number of students who are granted scholarships to study abroad.
  • Preparing cadres with high academic qualifications in translation, in both theory and practice, who are able to fulfill the needs of the University in particular and the needs of the labor market and the Saudi society in general.
  • Cooperating with the entities concerned with translation functions, whether inside or outside the University, especially those concerned with hajj and umrah (types of Islamic pilgrimage) services.
  • Providing consulting services in the field of translation/interpretation, in both the public and private sector.
  • Ministry of Hajj and Umrah: The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah and the institutions working under its supervision need a great number of the translators/interpreters qualified to provide translation and interpretation services to the guests of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who come to perform hajj and umrah pilgrimage throughout the year.
  • Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Call, and Guidance: The Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Call, and Guidance and its branches appoint specialized translators/interpreters for assistance in their field of work inside and outside the Kingdom.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its diplomatic missions abroad offer work for specialized translators/interpreters, as their work requires translating political and diplomatic texts and documents as well as interpretation.
  • Ministry of Culture and Information: The Ministry of Culture and Information and its bodies appoint specialized translators/interpreters, in order to render visual, audio, and print media content.
  • Ministry of Health: The Ministry of Health in general and government and private hospitals in particular need translation and interpretation services.
  • Qualifying specialized translators for courts and the various judicial bodies in the Kingdom.
  • Private banks, companies, and institutions: Many private banks, companies, and institutions deal with foreign countries, the reason why they need specialized translators/interpreters to carry out translation tasks for handling their financial and commercial functions and activities.
  • Private translation agencies and bureaus: Private translation agencies and bureaus appoint specialized translators/interpreters or enter into contracts with them to carry out a specific task for rendering one or more projects.
  • Publishing houses: Many publishing houses need to appoint specialized translators in order to translate some books from and into Arabic.

For more information, check out the Department’s page on the University’s website at the following link:

(Type the link to the department concerned)

Program Date

Started 1405 AH - first development 1418 AH - second development 1424 AH

Third development in progress, to be completed by the start of the academic year 1440 AH

Program Duration

2 years

Type of Study

Courses and research project




College of Social Sciences

Diploma Program – Department of Social Work

Program Data

Program Objectives

Program’s Outputs for the Labor Market

Link to the Department or College

Program Name

Higher Diploma in Social Work in the Medical Field

In light of the general goals specified by the Unified Bylaw for Graduate Studies at Saudi Universities, the program of the Higher Diploma in Social Work in the Medical Field aims at achieving the following objectives:

  1. Giving graduates of social work departments and other relevant departments, who earned their bachelor’s degrees and meet the admission requirements for the program of the Diploma, the opportunity to resume their qualification and develop their professional skills, in order to meet society’s scientific and practical needs, especially those related to the medical field.


  1. Preparing specialized, scientifically competent cadres capable of studying and addressing social issues and problems in the Saudi society through scientific development and instilling the spirit of innovation in tackling such issues and problems that are relevant to the medical field.


  1. Qualifying graduates to contribute to conducting significant field studies on the methods of dealing with pressing social problems in the Saudi society, in a manner that helps planners set plans suitable for handling them.


  1. Providing students with the scientific models and methods that have recently originated in the professional practice of social work in the medical field, and working on developing these models and methods in a way commensurate with the culture of the Saudi society.


  1. Supplying the various medical institutions with scientifically competent cadres who can help in improving the practice of the social work profession in this field.

Preparing social workers in the medical field who are qualified to work at health care institutions; medical affairs departments; various social welfare institutions and homes; and other primary and secondary social welfare institutions.

For more information, check out the College’s page on the University’s website at the following link:

Program Date

1437/1438 AH

Program Duration

1 year

Type of Study

Courses and thesis




College of Social Sciences

Master’s Degree Program – Department of Social Work

Program Data

Program Objectives

Program’s Outputs for the Labor Market

Link to the Department or College

Program Name

Program of the Master’s Degree in Social Work

Two pathways included:

  1. Clinical pathway


  1. Pathway of organization and administration in social work
  • Providing those who have joined the program with the efficiency, knowledge, and skills required to practice the social work profession at the most sophisticated level possible.
  • Helping graduates acquire diverse knowledge in both theoretical and practical areas and enabling them to localize this knowledge and employ it for serving their community taking into account its social values, traditions, customs, and specificities.
  • Providing integrated practical training to those who have joined the program at the various social work institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which enables them to join these institutions later.
  • Providing a study program that enables its graduates to contribute to enriching theoretical knowledge and to deal with the developments of such knowledge with a solid scientific perspective.
  • Working at all social welfare institutions like the Ministry of Labor and Social Development; social welfare institutions in both the public and private sector; schools; regular forces; prisons; other, as well as qualification for joining higher education institutions as teaching assistants and lecturers.

For more information, check out the College’s page on the University’s website at the following link:

Program Date

1436/1437 AH

Program Duration

5 semesters: 4 for courses and 1 for the master’s thesis

Type of Study

Courses and research project




College of Social Sciences

Master’s Degree Program – Department of Mass Communication

Program Data

Program Objectives

Program’s Outputs for the Labor Market

Link to the Department or College

Program Name

Master’s Degree in Journalism

  • Qualifying national cadres to fulfill labor market needs; offering opportunities to the mass communication graduates of this precious homeland to shoulder the responsibility of the mission of the media and plan it in a way commensurate with the language of today; and maintaining media ethics. This is in addition to promoting the spirit of specialization that defines this age and seeking distinction in accordance with the theory of qualitative quality that is pursued by all academic and service institutions in our cherished kingdom.
  • Enhancing scientific and academic aspects for graduates of mass communication departments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in addition to intellectual and administrative development for those working in the field of sports. 
  • Providing a scientific base for the media institutions in the Kingdom, which would contribute to providing such institutions with qualified cadres to continue the journey of progress and advancement, and developing the local community by benefitting from the findings of the studies carried out on local community institutions.
  • Enriching scientific research in the area of specialty.
  • Lecturers for academic functions at universities. 
  • The General Authority for Radio and Television and the departments affiliated with it.
  • Press institutions.
  • Human resource management in the media field.

For more information, check out the College’s page on the University’s website at the following link:

Program Date

1436/1437 AH

Program Duration

4 semesters: 3 for study and 1 for research project

Type of Study

Courses and supplementary research




College of Social Sciences

Master’s Degree Program – Department of Mass Communication

Program Data

Program Objectives

Program’s Outputs for the Labor Market

Link to the Department or College

Program Name

Master’s Degree in Public Relations

  • Qualifying national cadres to fulfill labor market needs; offering opportunities to the mass communication graduates of this precious homeland to shoulder the responsibility of the mission of the media and plan it in a way commensurate with the language of today; and maintaining media ethics. This is in addition to promoting the spirit of specialization that defines this age and seeking distinction in accordance with the theory of qualitative quality that is pursued by all academic and service institutions in our cherished kingdom.
  • Enhancing scientific and academic aspects for graduates of mass communication departments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in addition to intellectual and administrative development for those working in the field of sports. 
  • Providing a scientific base for the media institutions in the Kingdom, which would contribute to providing such institutions with qualified cadres to continue the journey of progress and advancement, and developing the local community by benefitting from the findings of the studies carried out on local community institutions.
  • Enriching scientific research in the area of specialty.
  • Lecturers for academic functions at universities. 
  • The General Authority for Radio and Television and the departments affiliated with it.
  • Qualifying the cadres working in the field of public relations at government and private institutions.
  • Press institutions.
  • Human resource management in the media field.

For more information, check out the College’s page on the University’s website at the following link:

Program Date

1436/1437 AH

Program Duration

4 semesters: 3 for study and 1 for research project

Type of Study

Courses and supplementary research 




College of Social Sciences

Master’s Degree Program – Department of Mass Communication

Program Data

Program Objectives

Program’s Outputs for the Labor Market

Link to the Department or College

Program Name

Master’s Degree in Radio and Television

  • Qualifying national cadres to fulfill labor market needs; offering opportunities to the mass communication graduates of this precious homeland to shoulder the responsibility of the mission of the media and plan it in a way commensurate with the language of today; and maintaining media ethics. This is in addition to promoting the spirit of specialization that defines this age and seeking distinction in accordance with the theory of qualitative quality that is pursued by all academic and service institutions in our cherished kingdom.
  • Enhancing scientific and academic aspects for graduates of mass communication departments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in addition to intellectual and administrative development for those working in the field of sports.  
  • Providing a scientific base for the media institutions in the Kingdom, which would contribute to providing such institutions with qualified cadres to continue the journey of progress and advancement, and developing the local community by benefitting from the findings of the studies carried out on local community institutions.
  • Enriching scientific research in the area of specialty.
  • Lecturers for academic functions at universities. 
  • The General Authority for Radio and Television and the departments affiliated with it.
  • Press institutions.
  • Human resource management in the media field.
  • Satellite and TV channels.

For more information, check out the College’s page on the University’s website at the following link:

Program Date

1436/1437 AH

Program Duration

4 semesters: 3 for study and 1 for research project

Type of Study

Courses and supplementary research 




College of Social Sciences

Master’s Degree Program – Department of Geography

Program Data

Program Objectives

Program’s Outputs for the Labor Market

Link to the Department or College

Program Name

Master’s Degree in Geography

Qualifying and graduating male and female human cadres holding master’s degrees in “geography,” with capabilities that keep pace with the march of advancement and development the Kingdom is currently witnessing and the prominent, universal scientific changes.

Graduating human cadres highly qualified in geography specialties, to fulfill labor market needs in line with the march and goals of comprehensive and sustainable national development and in harmony with scientific and global changes.

For more information, check out the College’s page on the University’s website at the following link:

Program Date

1420 AH

Program Duration

4 years

Type of Study

Courses and research project




College of Social Sciences

Ph.D. Degree Program – Department of Geography

Program Data

Program Objectives

Program’s Outputs for the Labor Market

Link to the Department or College

Program Name

Ph.D. in Geography


Qualifying and graduating male and female human cadres holding Ph.D. degrees in “geography,” with capabilities that keep pace with the march of advancement and development the Kingdom is currently witnessing and the prominent, universal scientific changes.

Graduating human cadres highly qualified in geography specialties, to fulfill labor market needs in line with the march and goals of comprehensive and sustainable national development and in harmony with scientific and global changes.

For more information, check out the College’s page on the University’s website at the following link:

Program Date

1426 AH

Program Duration

5 years

Type of Study

Courses and research project



