Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

College of Da’wah (Islamic Call) & Fundamentals of Religion- Programs

- 2018/03/06


College of Da’wah (Islamic Call) & Fundamentals of Religion

Master’s Program -  Department of Aqidah (Islamic Creed)



Outputs for Labor Market

Department/College Link


Master’s, Islamic Creed

  1. Training students to use the scientific approach in writing scientific research and preparing university theses.
  2. Inculcating care and love for, and highlighting the value of and the need of humanity to, Islamic heritage. This should be within a view to scientific approaches of heritage authentication and dissemination, and manuscript production and access facilitation for mass benefit.
  3. Developing scientific approach and constructive criticism.
  4. Emphasizing the message of Islam regarding the necessity of unifying the word of Muslims and preventing dispersion and difference.
  5. Consolidating belief in the true Islamic faith and indicating what is contrary to it.
  6. Introducing students to aspects and effects of the doctrinal and methodical deviation of Islamic sects and groups affiliated with Islam, and spreading awareness against their danger to the unity of the nation.
  7. Reviewing and criticizing the views of philosophers.

Education- Endowments- Justice

For more information, please review Department Page on UQU website:


Starting from 1392H, it was in the College of Sharia. In 1408H, it was moved to the College of Da’wah.


Four Years

Study Type

R Courses & Thesis

¨  Courses & Research Project


College of Da’wah (Islamic Call) & Fundamentals of Religion

PhD Program -  Department of Aqidah (Islamic Creed)



Outputs for Labor Market

Department/College Link


PhD, Islamic Creed

  1. Training students to use the scientific approach in writing scientific research and preparing university theses.
  2. Inculcating care and love for, and highlighting the value of and the need of humanity to, Islamic heritage. This should be within a view to scientific approaches of heritage authentication and dissemination, and manuscript production and access facilitation for mass benefit.
  3. Developing scientific approach and constructive criticism.
  4. Emphasizing the message of Islam regarding the necessity of unifying the word of Muslims and preventing dispersion and difference.
  5. Consolidating belief in the true Islamic faith and indicating what is contrary to it.
  6. Introducing students to aspects and effects of the doctrinal and methodical deviation of Islamic sects and groups affiliated with Islam, and spreading awareness against their danger to the unity of the nation.
  7. Reviewing and criticizing the views of philosophers.

Education- Endowments- Justice

For more information, please review Department Page on UQU website:




Starting from 1392H, it was in the College of Sharia. In 1408H, it was moved to the College of Da’wah.


Five Years

Study Type

R Courses & Thesis

¨  Courses & Research Project


College of Da’wah (Islamic Call) & Fundamentals of Religion

Master’s Program -  Department of  Quran and Sunnah



Outputs for Labor Market

Department/College Link


Master’s, Tafsir (Interpretation)

  1. Developing students’ rhetorical taste and introducing them to the miraculous aspects of the Holy Quran. This is by studying the characteristics of both Makki and Madani Surahs (Chapters).
  2. Training students to study the Qur'an objectively. This is by collecting verses related to one subject and studying them objectively, integrally and comprehensively.
  3. Integrating the scientific composition of students by studying types of knowledge and Quranic sciences that help them thoroughly understand the book of Allah.
  4. Introducing students in understanding the book of Allah to the approaches and methods of the Companions and Followers and the interpreters, as well as the characteristics of each approach, and the most famous valuable books of Tafsir (Interpretation).
  5. Educating graduate students about the vast Qur'anic culture that enables them to defend and refute suspicions about Islam.

1- Teaching in higher and general education

2 - Participating in religious guidance in government ministries.

3 - Participating in Tawaf institutions.

4- Research and scientific consultations.

For more information, please review Department Page on UQU website:


Starting from 1392H, it was in the College of Sharia. In 1408H, it was moved to the College of Da’wah.


Four Years

Study Type

R Courses & Thesis

¨  Courses & Research Project



College of Da’wah (Islamic Call) & Fundamentals of Religion

PhD Program -  Department of  Quran and Sunnah



Outputs for Labor Market

Department/College Link


PhD, Tafsir (Interpretation)

  1. Preparing researchers specialized in interpretation and Quran sciences, and able to study the product of Islamic scholars in interpretation and its sciences deeply.
  2. Achieving the general objectives of postgraduate studies in KSA, UQU, the College of Da’wah & Fundamentals of Religion, and the Department of Quran and Sunnah.
  3. Confronting the suspicions of orientalists and their followers in the Holy Quran.
  4. Linking courses and curricula to the reality of students to contribute to the formation of a specialized constructive working good generation that contributes to the development of its society and country.
  5. Providing universities, higher institutes and research centers inside and outside the Kingdom with professors, researchers and experts who have a PhD in Quranic studies.

1- Researchers specialized in Quranic studies to call to the Qur'an within regional and global variables.

2- Teaching in higher and public education.

3 – Professional enrollment in public education (educational supervision).

4- Religious guidance and awareness at all ministries.

5. The Ministry of Hajj and Islamic Affairs.

For more information, please review Department Page on UQU website:


Starting from 1392H, it was in the College of Sharia. In 1408H, it was moved to the College of Da’wah.


Five Years

Study Type

R Courses & Thesis

¨  Courses & Research Project



College of Da’wah (Islamic Call) & Fundamentals of Religion

Master’s Program -  Department of  Quran and Sunnah



Outputs for Labor Market

Department/College Link


Master’s, Hadith Sciences

  1. Introducing students to the significance of Hadith Sciences and its impact on the conservation of the Sunnah against distortion.
  2. Demonstrating the Hadith narrators’ favor evident in their innovation of Hadith Sciences, indicating the great scientific efforts exerted to serve and defend the Sunnah, and showing their advanced scientific reliability and exact scientific approach in the authentication of the Sunnah.
  3. Acquiring knowledge of the basic Hadith sciences in order to know how to differentiate between accepted and rejected Hadiths.
  4. Introducing students to the ethics of Hadith scholars through reception the performance, and specifying the purpose for, and the required faithfulness of speech and action in, studying Hadith sciences. Students also are introduced to the status of the Companions (May Allah be pleased with them!), while giving evidence of it and refuting claims against some of them.
  5. Growing research talent into students to become researchers able to scrutinize narratives and tell their story along with the narrator’s in the light of Hadith fundamentals. This is also to enable them to review the composition methods of Hadith narrators and to explain their way to omit what may cause contradiction or conflict among Hadiths.
  6. Responding to atheists and refuting their suspicions about some of the Hadiths.
  1. Teaching in higher and public education.
  2. Religious guidance and awareness at all ministries.
  3. Preparation of programs and participation in dialogues.
  4. Giving research and Hadith consultations.
  5. Researchers specialized in the Prophetic Sunnah.

For more information, please review Department Page on UQU website:


Starting from 1392H, it was in the College of Sharia. In 1408H, it was moved to the College of Da’wah.


Four Years

Study Type

R Courses & Thesis

¨  Courses & Research Project



College of Da’wah (Islamic Call) & Fundamentals of Religion

PhD Program -  Department of  Quran and Sunnah



Outputs for Labor Market

Department/College Link


PhD, Hadith Sciences

1.         Preparing researchers specialized in Hadith Sciences, and able to study the product of Islamic scholars in Hadith Sciences deeply.

2.         Achieving the general objectives of postgraduate studies in KSA, UQU, the College of Da’wah & Fundamentals of Religion, and the Department of Quran and Sunnah.

3.         Confronting the suspicions of orientalists and their followers in the Holy Quran.

4.         Linking courses and curricula to the reality of students to contribute to the formation of a specialized constructive working good generation that contributes to the development of its society and country.

5.         Providing universities, higher institutes and research centers inside and outside the Kingdom with professors, researchers and experts who have a PhD in Hadith studies.

  1. Researchers specialized in Hadith studies.
  2. Qualified authors to prepare curricula and write books.
  3. Teaching at the Ministry of Education.
  4. Preparation of programs and participation in debates.
  5. The Ministry of Hajj and Islamic Affairs.


For more information, please review Department Page on UQU website:


Starting from 1392H, it was in the College of Sharia. In 1408H, it was moved to the College of Da’wah.


Five Years

Study Type

R Courses & Thesis

¨  Courses & Research Project



College of Da’wah (Islamic Call) & Fundamentals of Religion

Master’s Program -  Department of  Quranic Recitations



Outputs for Labor Market

Department/College Link


Master’s, Quranic Recitations

1. Reviving the Sunnah of holding on to the Qur'an and receiving its recitations orally from the sheikhs who adhere to recitation rules as successors to predecessors.

2. Reviving and spreading Recitation Science among students.

3. Studying the Ten Major Recitations via the way of Tayyibah.

4. Preparing specialized cadres in Recitation who combine, and are references in, the techniques of narrating and studying recitations.

5. Contributing to the preservation and dissemination of such unique science among Muslims by various means of education, adaptation and authentication.

6. Rejecting suspicions raised by the enemies of Islam towards the Qur'an and the recitations, and defending appeals related thereto.

7. Integrating the scientific composition of Recitation students through the way of Tayyibat An-Nashr, after studying the ways of Shatibiyyah and Durra in the bachelor's degree.

8. To stand up to controversial issues among scholars, and to discuss them in a simplified manner supported by evidence and discussion.

Graduation of highly qualified cadres in  Quranic Recitations to meet the needs of labor market such as in the following domains:

  1. Teaching at the Ministry of Education.
  2. Imamate (leadership) and public speaking inside mosques.
  3. Specialized researchers in the Ten Recitations.
  4. Working at government ministries.

For more information, please review Department Page on UQU website:




Two & Half Years

Study Type

.. Courses & Thesis

R   Courses & Research Project



College of Da’wah (Islamic Call) & Fundamentals of Religion

PhD Program -  Department of  Quranic Recitations



Outputs for Labor Market

Department/College Link


PhD, Quranic Recitations

1. Studying, understanding and narrating the Ten Major Recitations via the way of Tayyibah, after studying the Ten Minor Recitations of the Shatibiyyah and Durra ways in the bachelor's degree.

2.  Reviving the Sunnah of holding on to the Qur'an and receiving its recitations orally from the sheikhs who adhere to recitation rules as trustful successors to trustful predecessors. This is because Recitation is a Sunnah that is taken by the latest from the first.

3.  Contributing to the preservation, transmission and dissemination of such unique science among Muslims.

4 - Reaching an understanding of the meanings of the Qur'an and its interpretation via the firm correct recitations.

5. Derivation of some of the shar'i rules from the abnormal recitations.

6. Reviewing many of the Arabic tongues ​​and dialects included in the abnormal recitations.

7. Responding to orientalist intellectual campaigns regarding the Holy Quran and Recitations.

8.  Studying, understanding and narrating the Ten Major Recitations via the way of Tayyibah, after studying the Ten Minor Recitations of the Shatibiyyah and Durra ways in the university stage.

9. Showing Muslims' attention to the Holy Quran throughout the ages, and the great effort exerted by Recitation scholars in studying and distinguishing the ways and narrations.

10. Distinguishing readable and unreadable recitations, and indicating the approach followed by the reciters in that.

Graduation of highly qualified cadres in  Quranic Recitations to meet the needs of labor market such as in the following domains:

  1. Teaching at the Ministry of Education.
  2. Imamate (leadership) and public speaking inside mosques.
  3. Specialized researchers in the Ten Recitations.
  4. Working at government ministries.

For more information, please review Department Page on UQU website:




Five Years

Study Type

R Courses & Thesis

¨  Courses & Research Project



College of Da’wah (Islamic Call) & Fundamentals of Religion

Master’s Program -  Department of Da'wa 'Islamic Call' and Islamic Culture



Outputs for Labor Market

Department/College Link


Master’s, Islamic Culture

1. Developing learners’ ability to build their stances from Western civilization, and deal with it on solid scientific foundations and rules away from emotions and reactions.

2. Preparing students to be scientific researchers committed to the scientific approach and able to think on the basis of scientific rules.

3. Strengthening the students’ intellectual immunity and pride in Islam and its values, ​​and showing human intellectual blunders away from the divine revelation.

4. Training researchers to focus on the curricula that are contrary to the ethical approach in Islam and their resulting risks.

5. Highlighting the distinctiveness of Islamic systems from the human-made systems upon in-depth understanding of each.

6. Showing Islam’s honoring of man through the study of human rights in Islam.

7.   Adopting a solid empirical study of the principles of human rights in Islamic law.

8. Showing the originality and depth of the scientific thinking methodology in Islam.

9. Emphasizing that the movement against Islam must be confronted according to consistent methodological plans.

Graduation of highly qualified cadres in Da'wa 'Islamic Call' and Islamic Culture to meet the needs of labor market such as in the following domains:

1. Teaching at the Ministry of Education.

2. Counseling in Sharia, Da’wah, intellect and behavior. 

3. Islamic guidance and awareness at the Holy Mosque and the Holy Places.

4.  Islamic guidance and awareness at the military sectors.

5.  Islamic guidance and awareness at the Ministry of Health.

6. Cultural missions.





Da'wa 'Islamic Call' and Islamic Culture




Four Years

Study Type

R Courses & Thesis

¨  Courses & Research Project



College of Da’wah (Islamic Call) & Fundamentals of Religion

PhD Program -  Department of Da'wa 'Islamic Call' and Islamic Culture



Outputs for Labor Market

Department/College Link


PhD, Islamic Culture

1. Preparing national cadres specialized in Islamic culture and meeting the need of cultural institutions inside and outside KSA (from the countries of the Islamic world) by qualifying PhD students.

2. Emphasizing some of the main features and characteristics of Islamic culture and their impact on humanity.

3. Expanding students' perceptions to find out about, adapt to and benefit from the contemporary means in the service of spreading the Islamic call according to legal controls, and utilizing them in guidance and education.

4.  Developing learners’ ability to build their stances from Western civilization, and deal with it on solid scientific foundations and rules away from emotions and reactions.

5. Developing academic performance in general, which is reflected positively (God willing) on regional and international excellence.  

Graduation of highly qualified cadres in Da'wa 'Islamic Call' and Islamic Culture to meet the needs of labor market such as in the following domains:

1. Teaching at the Ministries of Public and Higher Education.

2. Counseling in Sharia, Da’wah, intellect and behavior.

3. Islamic guidance and awareness at the Holy Mosque and the Holy Places.

4.  Islamic guidance and awareness at the military sectors.

5.  Islamic guidance and awareness at the Ministry of Health.

6. Participation in the cultural missions.

7.  Participation in dialogue, intellectual and behavioral programs through various media channels.

Da'wa 'Islamic Call' and Islamic Culture




Five Years

Study Type

R Courses & Thesis

¨  Courses & Research Project

