A training course entitled "Basics of Animated Infographics" was organized for the benefit of the faculty members. Eng. Ashraf Abdul-Khaliq and Eng. Muhammad Al-Ruwaini presented the course, which was held on Tuesday, 19 Rabi` Al-Awwal, 1440 A.H., corresponding to 27 November, 2018 A.C., from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the training hall at the College of Applied Medical Sciences at Al-Abbasiya Campus.
The training course aimed at introducing the importance of all types of infographics and its different fields of application, and the importance of animated infographics and its practical application on the Moovly Website.
At the beginning, Eng. Ashraf Abdul-Khaliq gave an introduction on infographics and examples of its use. Next, he defined "motion" and its different types, and the importance of animated infographics. He pointed out the difference between these and static infographics, which are brief information graphics. Moreover, he explained how graphics move referring to the motion that is used for images, and also how to add sound effects. He further confirmed that it is recommended to make the "motion" period one or two minutes.
Concerning the usage part, the two engineers confirmed that "motion" is specifically used in publicity and advertising, in the graphics proposed for mobile applications, in electronic games, and several other areas.
The two instructors then presented the various kinds of motion, referring to the fact that motion production passes through three phases: the pre-production phase, the production phase (which includes the script writing and the preparation of storyboards, graphics, and acoustics, and the animation process. After that, the two instructors tackled the basics of creating motion graphics.
On the practical level, the Moovly Website was presented to explain how motion graphics are created.