جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى

ورشة عمل بعنوان (First Frontal Sinus Master Class and ESS)

2019/02/11 م

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ورشة عمل بعنوان (First Frontal Sinus Master Class and ESS)

:Learning Objectives

  By the end of this program, the participants wil able to: Understand a realistic for arnng environment. Practice clinical and surgical anatomy of the sinuses. Understand radiological anatomy ad pathoogy of the sinuses. Practice frontal sinus surgery. Power instrumentation in sinus surgery. Understand complication in FESS surgery.

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المدة: 1 يوم/أيام
تبدأ في: 2019/02/28 - 07:00 - صباحاً


19/03/01 19/01/01
اليوم الثاني
08:00 12:00
Hands on cadaver Dissection Basic FESS,Maxillary,Ethmiods,Speniods,Frontal recess
12:00 13:30
Friday Prayer and Lunch Break
13:30 15:30
Hands on cadaver Dissection Frontal Sinus Endoscopic Draf I, II , III
15:30 15:45
Coffee Break
15:45 17:15
Hands on cadaver Dissection Frontal Sinus External approah
20/03/28 20/03/28
اليوم الأول
08:00 13:30
Frontal Sinus : Endoscopic Surgery
08:00 08:20
08:20 10:10
Endoscopic Snus surgery : a quick advanced review
08:20 08:30
Opening Remarks
08:30 08:45
How to effectively review a CT scan of Paranasal Sinuses?
08:45 09:00
Instrumentation in basic ESS and advanced frontal work
09:15 09:30
Surgical Navigation : Advances,when and how to use ?
09:30 09:45
Anterior Ethmoidectomy & Maxillary antrostomy
09:45 10:00
Posterior Ethmoidectomy & Sphenoidotomy:Pearls and Tricks
09:45 10:00
Q and A
10:00 10:15
Coffe Break
10:15 10:30
Endoscopic anatomy of the frontal Recess & Frontal sinus
10:30 10:45
Balloon Fronta Sinuplasty
10:45 11:00
Endoscopic frontal sinus surgery : Draf I and IIa
11:00 11:15
Endoscopic Draft IIb : indications and technique
11:15 11:30
Endoscopic Modified lotherop procedure(Draf III):surgical steps and modifications
12:30 13:30
Lunch & prayer
13:30 15:30
Frontal Sinus : Case Scenarios


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