Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Requirements for Registration to Attend the Training Courses

- 2023/01/12

Out of the keenness of the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality on availing the opportunity for participation in the workshops to the largest number of the academic staff, to achieve the maximum desired benefits, the Deanship hopes the academic staff comply with the following regulations:

  1. Updating the data of the applicant, especially the mobile number and the e-mail, on My Services link through the university's website, before registration in the training programs and the workshops.
  2. The maximum number of participants in each training program is (25) participants.
  3. The participant should comply with the times of the training programs, as follows:


Start of registration

Start and end of course


8.30 a.m.

From 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


3.30 p.m.

From 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

  1. The participant should have no other commitments during the duration of the training course. Mobiles should be in silent mode inside the training halls.
  2. It is not allowed to participate in a training program in which the participant has previously participated.
  3. The participant should not be allowed to attend or register in two programs on the same day.
  4. The participant may not attend any announced programs without previously registering and without receiving a message confirming his participation.
  5. It is possible to participate in 12 training programs during the academic year.
  6. The participants in the training programs who registered through the registration link on the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality can learn about the dates and times of programs and workshops in which they registered through the registration link on the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality.
  7. In case of apologizing for not attending the training, a written apology should be submitted via an e-mail to [email protected], or an apology should be made through the phone before the course is held by contacting the training unit in the deanship.
  8. Permission to attend the training program for the participant who arrives an hour or more late on the first day of training will be withdrawn (i.e., arriving later than 10 a.m., for the morning program, and arriving later than 5 p.m., for the evening program.
  9. Permission to attend the training program shall be withdrawn if the participant does not attend the training sessions regularly.
  10. Participants whose attendance percentage is less than 75% of the total number of hours for the training program will be dismissed from the program.
  11. The deanship shall send e-mails and SMS messages about the training programs that are going to be held or about any amendment of their dates a sufficient period of time before each training program, so the academic staff should check his e-mail and mobile phone.
  12. The participant in the training program shall transfer his knowledge and experience to his department after participating in the program, and apply what he benefited from the program in his scientific and practical environment, in collaboration with the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality.
  13. The participant in the training program shall transfer his knowledge and experience after participating in the program among the staff the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality, when needed, in collaboration with the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality.
  14. The participant shall interact with all the training activities, and fill out the evaluation forms for the training program.
  15. The participant has to take part in the survey of training needs carried out by the deanship to measure the training needs in the university.
  16. Non-compliance with the conditions and the mechanism of registration results in the applicant losing the opportunity to register for the training programs.

Additional conditions of the external training programs:

  1. The conditions of the external body offering the training should be fulfilled by the participant.
  2. The external training program should be related to the field of work of the applicant.
  3. The participant should attend not less than (10) training programs (50 training hours) of the programs offered by the deanship.
  4. The participant should attend all the training programs if his application is accepted. If the applicant wishes to apologize for not attending a program, the deanship should be informed at least three days before the start of the program, during the official working hours.
  5. The applicant should not be allowed to register in a training program in which he has previously participated.
  6. The applicant has to get the approval of the director of his department and get his signature on the registration form of the training program.