In cooperation with Al-Leith Educational Administration, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Al-Leith, Prof. Faris Altaf, has launched a campaign titled “Be Aware” for protection from scabies. The campaign, that was launched Sunday, Jumada I 19, 1437H (February 28, 2016), targets over 50 thousand male and female students in all educational phases in Al-Leith and Adam governorates.
The Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Al-Leith has put his fingerprint on the electronic platform to allow the launch of the campaign that coincides with the outbreak of scabies in many schools in different areas in Al-Leith and Adam governorates, including Al Mostanqaa Village, Jouini Village, Bani Hilal Village and Ghamiqa Center.
The Faculty of Health Sciences, with all of its staff and students, carried out field visits to the targeted schools, over 467 schools, in these regions. The campaign also includes an exhibition that aims at educating students on scabies and protection measures using modern educational and awareness methods.
The Faculty students provided detailed explanation of the medications and the right sterilization methods. The Faculty staff shouldered the responsibility of educating school teachers on protection measures, how to deal with suspected patients and how to develop the health measures.
The Faculty of Health Sciences not only assumed the responsibility of dealing with this issue, but also started to identify the health problems that face the local population, protection measures and the responsibilities of the competent authorities in this regard.
Scientific research also had a role to play in this mission. The Faculty distributed survey forms that aim at identifying the health situation and the diseases widespread in the regions covered by the study.
The Faculty of Health Sciences saves no effort to achieve progress on both the research and academic levels and is very keen on achieving integration between both elements. Its main focus in this regard is the scientific output it gives to the society: the students.
Prof. Faris bin Mohammed Nour Altaf, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Al-Leith, revealed that the Faculty intensifies its awareness and educational programs related to protection from scabies as part of its “Be Aware” campaign that aims at educating the society.
The 12 field teams involved in this campaign use modern awareness methods that include distribution of over 50 thousand awareness brochures, sending 20 thousand SMS messages, broadcasting awareness radio news and publishing awareness video clips over different social media websites.
The campaign aims at spreading awareness among students, and the society in general, of the correct prevention measures of scabies through detailed description by specialized awareness teams that include academicians, doctors and health educators, Prof. Altaf added, confirming that these awareness campaigns will go on to control the disease and prevent any potential infection.