جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى

Fixed Prothodontics

- 2021/07/08
Fixed Prothodontics
Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics Herbert S. 2 2012 4th
Diagnosis and treatment in prosthodontics William R,et al. 1 2011 2nd
Clinical Problem Solving in Prosthodontics David Bartlett 1 2010 5th
Change Your Smile Ronald Goldsteinn 2 2009 4th
Esthetic Clinical Case Studies, Dilemma & Solutions Irfan Ahmad 3 2009 1st
Dental Ceramics, Essential Aspects for Clinical Practice Christoph H. et al. 1 2008 1st
Esthetic Analysis, A Systematic Approach to Prosthetic Tratment Mauro Fradeani 1 2004 1st
Metal-Free Esthetic Restorations, Procera Concept Carlos F., Laercio V. 1 2003 1st
The science and art of Porcelain Laminate Veneers Galip Gurel 4 2003 1st
Esthetics and presthetics, An interdiso-iplinary Consideration of the State of the Art. Jens Fischer 1 1999 1st
Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics Herbert S. 1 1997 3rd
Science and Practice of Occlusion Charles McNeill 2 1997 1st
Esthetics of Anterior Fixed Prosthodontics Gerard C., Alain P. 2 1994 1st
Aesthetic Dentistry with Indirect Resin Howard Stean 1 1992 1st
Fundamentals of Tooth Preparations, for Cast Metal and Porcelain Restorations Shillinburg  J. 2 1991 2nd
Creative Ceramic Color: A Practical System Ernst Hegenbarn 2 1990 1st
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