It is responsible for auditing financial transactions of the university's departments and sub-divisions. It is staffed by a chairman and a number of auditors specialized in financial transactions, if needed.
It is tasked with auditing operations of the university's departments and sub-divisions. It is staffed by a chairman and a number of auditors specialized in operations, if needed.
It is concerned with following up notices of regulatory bodies, such as the General Auditing Bureau and the National Anti-Corruption Commisssion, and so on, and submitting them to the university's competent authorities and departments for responding, and then sending responses back to regulatory bodies. It also distributes copies of such responses to the Internal Audit Department, each within its field of competence, to be considered when internatal audits are carried out at the university's various departments and bodies. An administrative employee will be responsible for this division and he may ask for assistants, if required.
It carries out all administrative business, such as incoming and outgoing transactions, book-keeping and archiving, as well as organizing files of the department's employees and finalizing their affairs, such as tasks and vacations.