Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Summer Training Administration

- 2025/03/01

The page was last updated on Thursday, 1 Rabi` Al-Awwal 1443 A.H.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of the summer training for the academic year 1441 A.H., including the academic and administrative staff members as well as the students.

Special thanks are due to everyone who participated in presenting the rich scientific material and who were the major reason for this success (Success Partners).

We thank Allah and to Him we resort. Peace and prayers be upon Prophet Mohamed. After greetings,

Out of the keenness of the College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture on giving its students sufficient applied experience that contributes to improving their practical qualification level and connects them to the work environment as well as help them understand the role they play after graduation, the College gave special attention to the summer training program and has prepared it in coordination with various work sectors.

The summer training, which is distributed on two separate summer periods during the summer, is an essential part of the graduation requirements that students must meet successfully. The duration of each course is 45 days. The course provides students with the opportunity to develop practical knowledge and skills as well as connect theoretical studies with the practical reality, which would help students accept the nature of work and adapt to it, as well as develop communication skills with others.

Summer Training Administration:

It is one of the administrations of the College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture. It is subject to the administrative structure in force within the College. This administration handles all matters related to the training of students, from accepting training requests to finding training opportunities, distributing students on the various bodies and monitoring them, preparing the results of the training, providing departments with the required information for the students of each department, and many other matters related to the training.

Summer training objectives:

They can be summarized into the following points:

  1. Allowing students to become familiar with the work environment they are expected to work in after graduation through this training.
  2. Understanding the obstacles and difficulties of work and how to deal with them.
  3. Doing practical work in the work sector which is complementary to the educational process.
  4. Understanding the equipment and preparations in the work locations and connecting this to what has been learned in the College.
  5. Providing students with the opportunity to learn about the different employers through the summer training 1 and 2 to choose what is proper for them in their specialty field.
  6. Allowing students to understand the engineering problems in their environment as well as finding proper engineering solutions through research or graduation projects.
  7. Giving the college a clear idea on the needs of the labor market and its various requirements, which would positively affect the college both in terms of developing its curricula or opening new specialties, based on suggestions from the faculty members supervising the training of students.

To learn all about the summer training, please visit the executive regulations of the summer training

The training can be divided into three periods:

  • Pre-training period:
  1. The summer training eligibility is verified by searching for your university ID number inside the file: click here. The training eligibility is determined according to the following schedule, depending on the hours passed by the end of the first semester of each year.


  1. Ensuring all provisions of the summer training regulations are met, alongside the regulations of the training body, as well as ensuring that trainees abide by the instructions included in the pledge during registration.
  2. In the event that the student does is not assigned a training body after the distribution or the student wishes to change the entity designated for them, the student must request a letter from the Summer Training Administration to the training body to obtain a seat through this electronic form.
  3. A maximum of three letters may be requested each time; if one of them is rejected, the student can request another one.
  4. For requests to cancel the summer training course for unavoidable reasons, please fill out the following form: click here. (Please note that it is only possible to apply for training during the summer semester.)
  5. For requests to consider adding the summer training course, please fill out this form.
  6. The names of the following companies can be used for each department; a letter can be requested for other entities as well: (Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering).
  7. A letter will be sent to the student's university email.
  8. The student should contact the training entity, using the electronic letter, to request a training seat.
  9. After obtaining approval for a training seat, the student will send the letter of approval, written consent, etc. using this form.
  10. Learn about the status of your acceptance in companies, click here: File of accepted training seats (click here). **The file was last updated on Wednesday, 2 Dhul-Qi`dah 1442 A.H.
  11. The student has to commit themselves to watch the electronic summer training lecture.
  12. The "Start of Training" notification letter along with the evaluation forms will be sent within two working days to the student’s university email after receiving the training approval.
  13. The student should print the letter and the forms and deliver them to the training entity on the first day of training (or send them via email).
  14. The start date of the training depends on the training body, and the training will be for 45 days.
  • During-training period:
  • To be acquainted with the training objectives.

  • Each student has an academic supervisor from the university to monitor and follow up with the student. A student can communicate with his supervisor through email.
  • Each student has a supervisor at the training body to coordinate with during the training program.
  • The requirements during the training are as follows (the following forms are also submitted with the final report):
  1. Receive the evaluation papers from the Summer Training Administration and hand them over to the training department.
  2. The proposed (weekly or daily) training plan form should be filled out and submitted via this link (during the first two weeks of training) and if a plan is already prepared, it should be delivered as it is without using the form.
  3. Students must fill in the weekly report form (a copy is attached with the assessment papers, under each student’s name). The report form should then be uploaded to this form at the end of each week of training, as the received reports will be sent to the supervisors on Sunday of the following week.
  4. You can find out the delivery status of your weekly reports by searching in the “Weekly Reports File(last updated on 1/3/1443 AH).
  5. An information form on the establishment where the student received his training is filled electronically. (Click here)
  6. An online form shall be filled out to evaluate the summer training once the training is done.