جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى

المجلد - 6، العدد 2: ديسمبر، 2020 / مقالة - سلعة 6

- 2022/04/18

Novel Drug Treatments for Diabetes Complications


Fatmah A. Bakhdara
Pharmacology Department, Pharmacy Collage, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Volume: 6 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 24-26 | December 2020 | https://doi.org/10.54940/ms86676560 PDF

Received: 11/11/2019 | Accepted: 30/04/2020 | Online: 20 December 2020


Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease associated with elevated levels of blood glucose. It has become the most prevalent disease in the Saudi population according to the last report from the national prevention program. Diabetes cases can be divided into three types: type I, which requires insulin therapy; type II, which requires the use of hypoglycemic drugs, with or without insulin, and is the most common type in Saudi Arabia; and gestational diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy.
We must remember that diabetes can be very dangerous, causing complications in many parts of the body, like the nerves, heart, eyes, and kidneys. According to previous studies, these complications vary depending on the severity of diabetes. They may also affect the blood vessels of the retina, which can develop into diabetic retinopathy. Complications may also be fatal, in the cases of heart attacks, angina, and atherosclerosis. Additionally, they may cause poor circulation that leads to infection and gangrene, or cause neuropathy with numbness and a loss of pain sensations. Diabetic nephropathy is another harmful effect of diabetes that attacks the renal blood vessels.
In this article, my aim was to review newly discovered drugs that target and decrease the complications produced by diabetes. My focus here was on certain drugs, including those using nanotechnology, cell-based therapy, angiopoietin like 4, baricitinib, and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) gene therapy.


Diabetes mellitus, Diabetes complications, Nanotechnology, Cell-based Therapies, Angiopoietin-like 4, Connexin43 hemichannel blockers, HGF gene therapy

How to Cite 

Bakhdar, F. (2020). Novel Drug Treatments for Diabetes Complications. Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Medical Sciences, 6(2), 24–26. https://doi.org/10.54940/ms86676560



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