Receive healthcare that commensurate with the customs and traditions. Receive proper medical service in timely manner, and based on their needs and the available facilities. Maintain their health and keep them away from all risks. And ensure equality and justice in the service provision.
Offer them good hospitality, maintain their dignity and privacy, and provide them with proper waiting places.
Recognize their caregivers; doctors, specialists, technicians and assistants, and their job titles. The outpatients have the right to know the reason for undergoing different tests and treatments, and who will conduct them. The outpatients also have the right to refuse to talk to or meet anyone except their caregivers.
Listen to their complaints and solve them properly. Communicate their diagnosis to them or their legal guardians. Explain their treatment plan to them in understandable language and terminologies. Respond to their inquiries and questions. Discuss the proposed treatment alternatives, if any, and communicate to them their right to consult with other doctors, according to the regulations of the center.
Keep their social and medical secrets, not to disclose them, and not to access them unless necessary. Follow up on their treatment plan, and inform them if their health condition requires sending them to another medical institution outside the University Medical Center to complete their treatment plan, according to the center’s regulations.
Recognize medical institutions that are directly involved in their treatment.
Communicate to them the rules and regulations of the University Medical Center that are related to their treatment, and their duties towards the center and its staff.
Outpatients Duties:
Prove their affiliation to the university, or register themselves either as companions to one of the university staff or as eligible patients.
Visit one doctor per day, and if it is medically necessary to visit another doctor, they should be referred by the front office.
Respect all regulations and instructions of the center, and adhere to them.
Respect the center’s staff, accept their guidance, cooperate with them, deal with them respectfully, and never to trespass against them verbally or psychically.
Maintain the facilities of the center and not to destroy them.
Not to disturb or smoke inside the center.
Stick to their scheduled appointments, or request to change them (in case they’re unsuitable to them) well in advance of the scheduled appointment, and bear the results of doing so.
Respect the rights of other patients, and not to knock on the doors of the clinics or enter them in the presence of other patients. Respect the appointments of other patients and the entry priority at the clinic. Not to access the secrets of other patients, and if ever happened by mistake, not to disclose any of these secrets. Respect the dignity of other patients, and never to trespass against any of them verbally or psychically.
Provide the medical staff with all personal information required, and information on the patient’s health condition and all medications or drugs he takes, along with his full medical history. And respond to any related questions clearly.
Respect the medical opinion of the doctors, adhere to their instructions and treatment plan, and inform them in case the patient is not intended to complete the treatment plan, and bear all consequences.
Inform the front office staff if any change occurred to any of the patient’s registered personal information, and bear the consequences if he didn’t commit to this.
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