Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Services of the University Medical Center

- 2024/01/03

The University Medical Center provides its treatment and preventive services for all the University’s affiliates and who are entitled to get such health services at the center through a number of general and specialized medical clinics, in addition to the supporting medical services as follows:

  • Delivering diagnosis, treatment and follow up for the acute, chronic, communicable and non-communicable diseases in some of the main medical specialties.
  • Delivering first aids for the emergency cases at the Center then transferring them to the nearest hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health, where emergency department and intensive care unit are available.
  • Transferring cases (abdominal or surgical), that need anesthesia, after examinations and diagnosis to the referral hospitals to complete the required treatment, as there are no equipped clinical medical departments, anesthesia units or operation rooms in the Center.
  • Offering the routine lab tests services, in addition to some advanced tests.
  • Offering computing tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, in addition to the X-ray and ultrasonography scans.
  • Providing pharmacare services by providing the needed medical drugs and explaining the safe usage of them for treating the diseases that were diagnosed and treated inside the Center.
  • Offering some preventive services that include basic immunization and preventive campaigns.
  • Offering the lab test services for the contracting faculty members and international students through a statement system to complete the procedures for getting the residence permit.
  • Participating in the events and world health days to spread health awareness and educate the attendees about the ways of prevention from diseases.
  • Saving the medical information for the patients through the clinic operation electronic program that allows the patients to book an appointment electronically on the University’s website.

Detailed Duties of the Center’s Departments

First: Clinics of the University Medical Center

  • General and Family Medical Clinic: diagnosing and treating the acute, communicable and non-communicable diseases of respiratory, digestive and circulatory systems.
  • Initial diagnosing and treating of chronic diseases then transferring the patient to a suitable specialist.
  • Following up on the stable chronic diseases after the directives of the specialist or consultant doctor.   
  • Delivering first aids for the emergency cases then transferring them to the referral hospitals.
  • Educating and raising the awareness of the visiting patients, in addition to participating in the awareness campaigns being held by the Center. 

1- Internal Medicine Clinics:

  • Diagnosing and treating the acute, communicable and non-communicable diseases of respiratory, digestive and circulatory systems.
  • Evaluating patients with chronic diseases and setting the required tests and treatment plan. Carrying out followup on the monthly medication for the chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and  hyperlipidaemia, in coordination with the specialized consultant doctor, and nutrition, eye and cardiology clinics.
  • Evaluating and treating emergency cases when called and transferring to the referral hospitals as per the need. Inspecting and treating the digestive system and liver cases.
  • Calculating the risk rate of being hit by cardiovascular diseases in patients with chronic diseases that are related to diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidaemia, in coordination with the Cardiology Clinic for treatment and followup.
  • Supervising the health education and awareness activities, in which the nursing teams and medical practitioners from the Center participate in. 

2- Cardiology Clinic:

  • Diagnosing and treating heart and circular system patients by the clinical examination and carrying out an echocardiogram and cardiac stress test.
  • Diagnosing then referring the emergency heart diseases and circular system patients, such as the angina, hypotensive shock and pulmonary clots.
  • Evaluating and treating the emergency cases, after delivering first aids, then transferring them to the referral hospitals.
  • Supervising the health education and awareness activities related to heart and blood pressure diseases and clots, in which the nursing teams and medical practitioners from the Center participate in.

3- Pediatrics Clinics:

  • Periodical follow-up on the growth and development of infants until entering the school.
  • Participating in the basic immunization service as per the schedule of immunizations approved by the Ministry of Health upon the availability of immunizations by the Health Affairs,
  • Following up on the nutrition of the children and diagnosing and treating the malnutrition cases.
  • Diagnosing and treating acute, communicable and non-communicable respiratory, digestive and motor systems’ diseases in children.
  • Inspecting and delivering first aids for the emergency cases then transferring them to the referral hospitals to complete the treatment process.
  • Diagnosing and treating chronic child illnesses and transferring them to the referral hospitals to complete the treatment if necessary.
  • Supervising the health education and awareness activities related to children, in which the nursing teams and medical practitioners from the Center participate in.

4- Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic:

  • Prenatal, pregnancy and post-natal care.
  • Family planning services.
  • Diagnosing and treating infertility (level 1) and transferring the cases that need more research and treatment to the referral hospitals.
  • Periodical examination for cervical cancer (testing human papilloma virus HPV and a cervical sample).
  • Diagnosing and treating common illnesses of women’s reproductive system.
  • Infant ultrasound scan in different pregnancy stages and for gynecological diseases.
  • Health education for pregnant women regarding healthcare during pregnancy, delivery and post-natal period, breast feeding and common gynecological diseases.
  • Transferring the following cases to the referral hospitals:
    • Low-risk pregnancy at the 35th week.
    • High-risk pregnancy once diagnosed.
    • Cases with gynecological diseases that need admission to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment.
    • Cases with gynecological diseases that need surgical interference.

5- Surgery Clinics:

5.1 General Surgery Clinic

  • Diagnosing and treating general surgery cases that do not need a clinical surgery.
  • Diagnosing and transferring general surgery cases that need a surgical interference to referral hospitals.
  • Handling the simple surgical interferences that do not need anesthesia or operation rooms (such as stitching simple wounds, following up on the dressing until healed, evacuating an abscess, removing curved toenail and cyst) according to the available potentials.
  • Carrying out the emergency surgical cases, delivering first aids according to the available potentials and transferring them to referral hospitals if necessary to complete treatment. 
  • Following up on some patients who undertook surgeries in hospitals to make the necessary dressing and evaluate the case according to the treating doctor’s instructions.

 5.2 Urinary Tract Surgery Clinic:

  • Offering the same services of the General Surgery Clinic in addition to diagnosing and treating the urinary tract cases that do not need clinical surgery or diagnostic or treating cystoscope.
  • Diagnosing then transferring the urinary tract surgery cases that need diagnostic or treating cystoscope or surgical procedures to referral hospitals to complete treatment.

6- Dermatology Clinics:

  • Diagnosing skin diseases in children and adults at all ages and carrying out the clinical and lab examinations for some cases as per the clinical data.
  • Putting a treatment and follow-up plan, explaining the disease’s nature and reasons, and providing the patient with health education regarding the communicable, non-communicable, acute and chronic diseases.
  • Transferring some cases to the referral hospitals to make some unavailable medical examinations, such as skin microscopy, ultraviolet radiation and laser treatment.
  • Transferring some cases to the referral hospitals if the patient needed anesthesia.
  • Many skin diseases or skin cases in general are being treated safely and quickly by a number of procedures that are being carried out in the outpatient with a follow up on the patient after such medical procedures. The procedural interferences are represented in:
    • Cryotherapy: A number of skin benign tumors, in addition to some diseases resulted from viral infection, such as warts, are being treated by cryotherapy.
    • Electrocautery: It is being used to remove or treat skin tags, most of benign tumors and some diseases that result from viral infection.
    • Removing skin tags and bags under local anesthesia.

7- Ophthalmology Clinic:  

  • Vision strength measurement.
  • Eye pressure measurement.
  • External Eye. Examination, including (observation of eyelids- cornea, iris, conjunctiva- Lachrymal gland- eye lens).
  • Eye muscle balance and movement screening test for cross-eyed and lay eye cases.
  • Carrying out additional eye examinations and tests after the first eye test, as follows:
  • Examining eye for prescribing an eyeglass using computer in case of poor eyesight resulted from refractive errors.
  • Examining eye for prescribing an eyeglass for children after dilating eye drops to determine the eye laziness and the extent of refractive errors in the eye.
  • Ophthalmoscopy (retina and the vitreous body) in some cases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and severe short sightedness that is accompanied by retinal fibrosis and detachment.
  • Imaging the retina using the optical coherence tomography in some cases of retinal hemorrhage, diabetic retinopathy and retinal infiltrate.
  • Imaging the optical nerve and retina using the optical coherence tomography.
  • Making the visual field.
  • Monthly followup on the glaucoma and cataract patients and transferring the cases that need a surgical interference to the referral hospitals.
  • Carrying out simple surgical procedures that do not need operation room or anesthesia in the clinic, such as removing strange object from the eye- removing hair from the eyelid- extracting a cyst from the eyelid. 
  • Transferring the patients that need a surgical or laser operations to the referral hospitals.
  • Supervising the health education and awareness activities, in which the nursing teams and medical practitioners from the Center participate in.

8 - Orthopedics Clinic:

  • Clinical diagnosis of patients with bone and joint problems, providing medication (and also physical therapy, if the patient's condition demands it), and prescribing the necessary conservative treatment.
  • Performing clinical and diagnostic tests for recent spinal injuries and upper and lower limb injuries, and providing the appropriate final treatment, including applying a cast, splint, or other methods of conservative treatment–if the fracture does not require a closed reduction.
  • Follow-up and treatment of old injuries sustained in the previously mentioned areas of the body, whether the patient started to receive treatment at our medical center or elsewhere.
  • Screening and diagnostic follow-up of patients suffering from chronic conditions such as osteoporosis (brittle bone disease), osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease), and other bone disorders, and providing periodic treatment for the condition, along with administering the recommended conservative methods that assist treatment.
  • Using local and intra-articular injection (or joint injection) therapy for the cases that require this type of treatment, while taking all the necessary precautions.
  • Transferring the cases that cannot be diagnosed or treated in our medical center, including the following:
    • Conditions requiring (immediate or non-immediate) surgical intervention.
    • Fractures requiring (closed or surgical) reduction.
    • Bone and joint diseases that are unresponsive to available treatment or require sophisticated investigations not available at our center (i.e., the condition requires an orthopedic consultant, a neurosurgeon, a rheumatologist and immunologist, etc.).
    • Cases of bone deformities and congenital diseases in children; patients with these conditions should be transferred to a pediatric orthopedic specialist/consultant surgeon.

9 - Ear, Nose, and Throat Clinic:

  • Examining and treating all cases of ear, nose, and throat diseases that do not require surgery.
  • Administering first aid for nosebleeds and injuries, including any subsequent treatment, or referring conditions to specialist services, according to what is appropriate for each case.
  • Carrying out ear irrigation (ear wax removal) and removal of foreign objects from the ear.
  • Removing a nasal or a pharyngeal foreign body, in cases not requiring anesthesia.
  • Examining the nose and the nasopharynx using a nasal speculum.
  • Examining the larynx by indirect laryngoscopy, without using anesthesia.
  • Follow-up and management of patients with hearing loss and vertigo/dizziness.
  • Transferring serious conditions and medical cases, such as tumors, that require surgery or sophisticated investigations for treatment in the hospital.

10- Nutrition Clinic:

  • Carrying out measurements of weight and height, body mass and rate of body fat and other components using the modernest devices.
  • Assessing the body physique and its relevance to the age and health condition.
  • Designing dietary regimes for the physique disorder (obese or skinniness), in addition to the periodical followup on the patient during and after finishing the dietary regime.
  • Giving advice and guidance regarding the dietary regimes that should be followed by diabetes, blood pressure, heart, blood circulation and the like patients, with the coordination of the treating physician.
  • Preparing awareness leaflets about healthy nutrition and special nutrition of patients, with the cooperation of specialized doctors.

10- Dentistry Clinics:

  • Examining the patient’s teeth, diagnosing the case and determining the needed treatment as per the available potentials or transferring the patient to the referral hospitals of necessary.
  • Treating periodontitis and surrounding tissues by removing dental plaque and trimming the excess hanging dental filling, according to the available potentials.
  • Preventive dentistry by making suitable fillings of level 1.
  • Front root canal treatment and filling.
  • In the posterior teeth, the nerve is being removed in the acute cases and filled with temporary cast. Then the patient is being transferred to a root canal specialist at the referral hospitals.
  • Making some simple fixed prosthesis and cast fillings using prosthesis device.
  • Treating the acute infections, extracting abscess around teeth, prescribing the required medicine, and transferring the patient to the referral hospital when necessary.
  • Simple dental extraction that does not need surgical procedure or extracting bones from embedded teeth or root remnants.
  • Treating the teeth of some children who can be dealt with without general anesthesia, including simple filing or milk-teeth extraction or putting local fluoride as a preventive procedure.
  • Offering preventive services and health education about the ways to take care of teeth, gum, and heath nutrition for teeth, in addition to participating in health weeks to spread awareness about mouth and teeth health.
  • Transferring the cases that need specialized treatment, unavailable at the Center, to the referral hospital, including:
  • Mouth, face and jaws surgery and periodontal surgical treatment.
  • Root canal treatment.
  • Complete or partial fixed and removable prosthesis.
  • Braces. 
  • Children’s teeth.


   Second: Supporting Medical Services:

1- Radiology Department:

The department includes four units that offer X-ray, CT, MRI and ultrasonography scans.

1.1- X-Ray Unit:

Scanning the following parts of the children and adults’ bodies of all ages without using contrast dyes:

  • Bones and joints (injuries, accidents and chronic diseases).
  • Spinal Cord.
  • Abdomen (diagnosing stones and bowel obstruction cases).
  • Chest (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleural effusion and some heart diseases).
  • Sinus and nose.
  • Skull.
  • Throat and Pharynx especially in children to diagnose polyps, throat appendages and inhaling strange objects.

1.2- CT Scan Unit:

It is used to scan all the body’s organs, including the nervous system (brain, spinal cord, spine and cartilages); digestive system; urinary system; motor system, including all bones, joints, muscles and soft tissues; and respiratory system, including trachea, lungs, bronchus and throat.

1.3- Color Doppler Ultrasound Unit: 

It is used for adults and children in imaging the following:

  • Abdomen and internal organs, including liver, biliary ducts, kidneys and bladder.
  • Women’s reproductive system.
  • Following up on pregnancy and infant growth when gynecologists suspect problems in pregnancy or congenital diseases in the baby. 
  • Joints and muscles in some diseases.
  • Imaging inside the skull for children.
  • Endocrine and lymph glands, and tumors.
  • Breasts.
  • Soft tissues (what is underneath skin and tumors).
  • Men’s reproductive system.

1.4 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Unit:

        It is used in the detailed and accurate imaging of each of the following:

  • Brain, nerves and eye orbits.
  • Spinal cord and its components.
  • All the joints.
  • Muscle groups.
  • Pelvis in men and women.

2- Lab:

The lab carries out the following lab tests:

  •  Complete Blood Count (CBC).
  •  Liver Panel.
  •  Renal Panel.
  •  Fats and cholesterol.
  •  Vitamin (D).
  • Anemia researches, including (B12 – Ferritin – Iron)
  • Inflammatory Markers.
  • Thyroid panel.
  •  Cardiac enzymes.
  •  Reproductive hormones.
  •  Male hormone and prostate.
  • Antibodies of liver viruses.
  •  Quantitative and qualitative pregnancy.
  •  Hepatitis C qualitative and quantitative.
  •  Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)
  •  Hepatitis C and its types.
  • Blood sugar level and HbA1c.
  • Drugs and toxins tests.
  • Rheumatoid factor.
  • Special examinations related to medical checkup for employees and contractors.
  • PCR testing for hepatitis C infection.
  • PCR testing for Human papilloma virus (HPV). 
  • Pap smear tests.

3- Pharmacare:

  • Preparing, dispensing medicines for the patients and explaining how to use the therapy.
  • Packaging and putting printed tags on the medicines, including name and dose, as per the physician's instructions.
  • Organizing and dispensing monthly therapy for the chronic diseases’ patients.
  • Monitoring the expiry of the medicines in the pharmacy.
  • Raising awareness among patients regarding the usage and storage of the medicines, and the dangers of the over doses.
  • Participating in the health Education activities held inside and outside the Center.

 4- Physiotherapy Therapy:

  • It offers physical therapy services for men (male Physiotherapist) in an equipped unit with the modernest devices to be used in treating the motor and nervous systems’ diseases.
  • Carrying out sessions for the treatment of joints and muscles’ pain by using thermal emission, ultrasound waves and electrical vibrations devices.
  • Carrying out therapy exercises to treat muscle stiffness, contraction and cramp, and post surgical operations for bones and joints. 
  • Carrying out therapy exercises for children with congenital tetraplegia and early motor delay.
  • Conducting nerve stimulation session using electrical vibrations.

5- Bandage and Treatment Unit:

  •  Administering intramuscular and intravenous injections for adults and children at all ages and carrying out the necessary sensitivity tests as per the treating physician’s instructions.
  • Drawing blood samples and installing intravenous fluid.
  • Dressing wounds and burns according to the physician’s instructions.
  • Carrying out inhalation sessions for asthma and laryngitis patients, according to the physician’s instructions.
  • Giving oxygen therapy according to the physician’s instructions.
  • Administering electrocardiography (ECG).
  • Receiving the critical cases and delivering first aids in the presence of the treating physician, then transferring them to the referral hospitals and accompanying them if necessary.



