The department has participated in research projects, made a lot of researches and published them in many prominent scientific journals:
- A research on the medicine for lupus and it was published in Current Rheumatology Reviews journal in 2012.
- A chapter in Skills in Rheumatology book under the title of the curing medicines for the Rheumatic Diseases was published in 2015. The publisher was Elsevier.
- A research on the Epilepsy under the title "دراسة تاثير بعض الأدوية المعدلة للمناعة على نموذج تجريبي للصرع الناجم عن استخدام (الليثيوم-بيلوكاربين) قي ذكور الجرذان البالغة". The piece was published in Brain Research journal in 2016. The results of the research were presented in a scientific conference about the Epilepsy in Rome, Italy on November 21-23, 2016, and in Paris, France on August 6-8, 2017.
- A research on the Anti-Rheumatic Diseases Biological Medicines and it was published in EC Pharmacology and Toxicology journal in 2017.
- A research on the Osteoporosis under the title " تأثير مثبطات مضخة البروتون على كثافة العظام في الجرذان” in publication. The results of the research were presented in a scientific conference in Rome, Italy on November 24-26, 2016.
- A research on Kidney Protection for Diabetes Patients, under the title of "دراسة مقارنة للتاثير الوقائي علي الكلى لكل من كاناجلفلوزين وتيلميسارتان في نموذج لإصابة الكلى في الجرذان المصابة بمرض البول السكري". It was published in J Nephrol Renal Ther, a specialized journal for kidney diseases, in 2016.
- The results of the research were presented in a scientific conference about Diabetes in Miami, USA on January 22-25, 2017.
- A research on the Epilepsy under the title "دراسة تاثير فيتامين د الواقي للأعصاب و تداخله مع عقار لاموتريجين على نموذج تجريبي للصرع الناجم عن استخدام (الليثيوم-بيلوكاربين ) في الجرذان". It was publish in Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch, a specialized journal about medicines, in 2017.
- A research on the Epilepsy under the title "دراسة تاثير فيتامين د مع عقار لاموتريجين في منع الصرع وتحسين الإدراك في نموذج للصرع الناجم عن استخدام بنتيلين تترازول في الجرذان". It was publish in Brain Research journal in 2017.
- A research titled "نمط استخدام الادويه لعلاج التهابات الجهاز التنفسي العلوي في طب الأطفال فى مستشفى جامعى فى نيودلهى". It was published in Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences journal in 2016.
- A research titled " تقييم ممارسات وصف الأدوية في المستشفيات الخاصة والعامة في مكة المكرمة، المملكة العربية السعودية “. It was published in African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology in 2015.
- A research on Phytosterols titled كعامل مضاد للسرطان الطبيعي: الوضع الحالي والمنظور المستقبلي . It was published in Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy journal in 2017.
- An intended for publication research titled "تأثير مستخلص أوراق نبتتي العتم والعرعرالسروي على التهاب المثانة الخلالي الناتج عن التوتر والاجهاد في الفئران المخبرية “ in 2017.
- A research titledاءثير الفينولات ك هرمونات استروجينية طبيعية وتعويضية ودراسة التراكيب البناءة للمركبات والتحام الجزيءي . It was published in the Molecules journal in 2016.
- A research on the natural phenolic compounds as anti-oxidants and proving their impact in the experimental animals. A published research in PeerJ Journal in 2016.
- A research on the composition of the natural compound of the Pulicaria flower as antibiotics and anti-cancerous cells. Biodiversity 2017
- A research on the natural sulfuric compounds and their impact on the cancerous cells.(breasts - colon - liver) and as natural broad-spectrum antibiotics. It was published in Journal of Pharmaceutical Biology in 2016.
- A research on identifying the natural compound of biological impact using chromatography HPLC and a spectrometer. It was published in Botanical Science in 2017.
- A research sent for publishing on the impact of the natural compounds in curing Diabetes and a detailed explanation for their impact.
- A research intended for publication in the impact of the phenols on the cirrhosis of the liver and a detailed explanation for their impact.
** For research cooperation with the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the College of Medicine, please click here.