Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Alumni Unit

- 2022/09/12


The College of Public Health and Health Informatics has perceived the magnitude of the changes that have occurred in the requirements of the labor market, as well as the large gap that exists between the content of the formal study programs, and the practical needs in the form of market requirements and practical experiences demanded by different government and private institutions from graduates when they apply for any job. Therefore, for the purpose of identifying and responding to the challenges that the graduates may face when applying for a job, the college has set up a graduate unit to take care of graduate issues.


Keeping pace with the ongoing development, and striving to meet the needs of the local community for qualified graduates. This is in order to execute projects that benefit both the university and the society.


Pursuing self-development, and striving to meet the requirements of the labor market by preparing specialized scientific cadres.


  • Building a comprehensive database for the students of the college and the academic departments.
  • Communicating with the graduates through the various means of communication, which strengthen the student's relationship with the college.
  • Identifying the most important obstacles facing students after graduation and upon entering the workforce.
  • Guiding and assisting the graduates, in cooperation with the training unit, to obtain employment opportunities.
  • Conducting surveys related to the number of graduates, the percentage of the employed and the unemployed among them as well as other relevant information, and communicating the results of such studies to interested parties.
  • Analyzing the results of these studies to take the necessary actions.
  • Obtaining feedback from graduates on the latest developments in their respective fields, which is a cornerstone for the development of the educational systems.
  • Developing the skills of graduates, and preparing them to find suitable job opportunities which are appropriate for the student's outputs.
  • Organizing induction courses at the college, and inviting beneficiary sectors.

Target Group of the Alumni Office:

  • College graduates from different departments.
  • Employers in the labor market, and the companies and institutions where college graduates may find employment.
  • Final year college students.
  • Both sections of the academic departments.


  • Establishing, updating and developing graduation project programs in line with scientific, technical, and knowledge progress, enabling them to meet the requirements of development and the needs of the society.
  • Promoting and consolidating the concept of the value of the university to the society and vice versa, in order to recognize and be aware of the most important practical projects that serve the society.
  • Adopting and applying standards of quality and academic accreditation in graduation projects.
  • Identifying the most important obstacles facing students in the field of scientific research, and linking them with solutions adopted in prestigious international universities by identifying the ways and means that can contribute to overcoming such obstacles.
  • Communicating with the various sectors of society, especially those who are interested in specific outputs from student projects, through participation in meetings, workshops and seminars expected to be arranged during the program update procedures.
  • Updating and studying the status of graduates in the college.
  • Establishing a database of information on the institutions and companies that attract and recruit college graduates.
  • Communicating with graduates, and surveying their opinions on the obstacles to employment in the labor market.
  • Urging the college graduates to participate in the activities of the college.
  • Measuring the level of the graduates' satisfaction with the college programs, and informing concerned departments about the results of the survey.
  • Organizing periodic meetings for graduates, familiarizing them with the unit and its objectives, and briefing them on the achievements and projects executed by the college

Contact Us

Supervisor of Alumni Office: Dr. Ramadan Ali Muhammad Badran.

Office Supervisor of the Female Section: Dr. Iman Adnan Abu Sir.

E-mail: [email protected]   

