Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University


- 2016/06/12

 The University College at Al-Lith strongly believes in the importance of media in our present time, thus, Media Department was established at the beginning of the academic year 1433H in order to serve and address the needs of the society through graduation of high profile media professionals with intellectual and scientific qualification to enhance the responsible media performance together with making real change in media institutions performance in pursuit of making the necessary change in society through responsible and serious media messages.

The Department is concerned with media activities and events in public relations aspect, press, radio and television and electronic publishing which serve the whole university along with students, teaching staff members and employees reflecting the bright image of the university, creativity movement and development witnessed thereby. The Department also strives to serve the local community, contributing to achieve the sustainable development and awareness raising.

Media Department is looking forward to be distinguished in graduation of those who are qualified for media, research, communication and media studies in order to fulfill the needs of both public and private sectors locally and regionally.



 The Department set a range of strategic objectives which it works actively towards achieving them, the most prominent of which are:

  • Preparing human, scientific and professional competencies in various fields of communication, contributing to fulfill the needs of Saudi society.
  • Qualifying students with high quality media communication skills that are based on the Islamic and Arab culture.
  • Establishing scientific foundation for media with a view to enhance committed and serious media performance.
  • Preparing media competencies that are scientifically and intellectually qualified in order to serve media and contribute to promote the national development.



We are looking forward that Media Department be among the best media Departments nation-wide in instruction, training and scientific research. We also aspire to serve the local community and contribute to achieve sustainable development and raise public awareness.



Providing students with communication and media knowledge and skills based on Islamic and Arab culture and the heritage of humanity as well as preparation of required competencies in media and human communication in order to fulfill the needs of the society and labor market. Furthermore, we seek to achieve leadership in media education and scientific research aspects and media and communication studies according to the latest professional and applied standards while contributing to serve the society.


Tactical sub-objectives:

  • Enabling students to have access to knowledge that would qualify them for work in communication and media fields.
  • Developing students skills and capabilities with regard to media and providing them with modern communication foundations, principles, theories, concepts, methods and techniques, helping them to practice media profession.
  • Training and qualifying students to practice communication and media professionally as a constant and developed profession.
  • Identifying and helping students to obtain job opportunities in various communication and media sectors.
  • Training students in various communication areas while connecting between that and the theoretical study.
  • Fulfilling the need of local and regional labor market with those qualified in communication and media areas.
  • Addressing the society problems that are related to communication principles and concepts which are compatible with Shariah.
  • Encouraging professors, researchers, students and employees to write in the Department publications which are to be issued with the first batch of press.
  • Enriching scientific research and preparing students together with qualifying them to join post graduate studies program which shall hopefully be established in the future.
  • Coping with development in media in accordance with available capabilities in order to be compatible with them in terms of performance and quality.
  • Conducting scientific studies that contribute to developing media both locally and regionally.
  • Raising awareness among the society with regard to the role, function and impact of the media.
  • Conducting media and press courses for those willing to have media experience.
  • Serving the university at the media level through covering its conferences, symposiums and their scientific, cultural and social activities as well as strengthening connections with media and civil institutions.
  • Clarifying the university strategy and objectives while reflecting the bright image of its colleges and Departments.
  • Serving the society through media by paying the greatest attention to the society issues through applied and theoretical researches.
  • Establishing cooperation between the university and media and educational institutions with the aim of achieving the mutual benefit.
  • Encouraging media and scientific research studies, holding scientific, cultural and media conferences, symposiums, workshops, and events.


Media Department tasks and duties (according to the Department future plan):

This item represents tasks and duties approved during the meetings of Media Department which are to be made in the future when specializations which are to be inaugurated in Media Department in order to address the applied aspect in various media specializations and they are as follows:

  1. Making media (press, radio and TV) coverage for the activities of the university, its colleges and centers while focusing on the news and activities of University College at Al-Lith together with the local community surrounding it.
  2. Covering the activities of the rector, vice rector, representatives and colleges deans as well as interviews and holding conferences.
  3. Following up all that is posted in newspapers in terms of subjects, complaints that are of the interest of the university, colleges, centers and administrations while following up such problems and replying them together with solving them in collaboration with related bodies.
  4. Facilitating and organizing the work of media and press representatives, television networks in holding different interviews with the rector, assistants, college deans and centers and administrations managers, in coordination with Public Relations section which is scheduled to be inaugurated as the first specialization inside the Department.
  5. Organizing celebrations in different occasions and performing media coverage.
  6. Making news, reports and media investigations.
  7. Issuing a newspaper under the name of the University College at Al-Lith.
  8. Issuing an electronic journal that is compatible with media developments, in collaboration with Faculty of Computer in order to provide the technological techniques and the infrastructure appropriate for media.
  9. Holding media courses.
  10. Issuing publications in different occasions.
  11. Updating media website of the college with information and news.  