Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Academic Advising

- 2023/03/31

Academic advising is one of the most important pillars that contribute to student success during their university education. Through academic advising, students are guided to achieve their best results, adapt to the university environment, and seize available opportunities through providing them with academic skills that improve their level of scientific achievement. Therefore, the Department of English considers academic advising as one of the most important things to provide for students. This is done by setting four hours per week for each faculty member, who conducts various meetings with students for academic and scientific guidance. The academic advising tasks are divided between teacher and students as follows:

Regulations for Course Registration:

All courses are registered by submitting e-requests. The department will not receive any paper forms except under very limited circumstances and when the e-system is broken.

  • The student shall ascertain his registration in all the courses in his academic level, as academically recommended.
  • The student is not entitled to register in courses in an academic level higher than his current level, even if the student is able to fulfill the requirements of the higher academic level, as this does not serve the student's interests. This is because if the student registers in courses in different academic levels, he will face the problem of having numerous midterm and final exams on the same day. This is a problem the department will not usually be able to solve.
  • The student is not entitled to exceed the load permitted for his cumulative GPA, even if he is an underachiever, because this would increase the probability of his failure. Excluded from this is the student expected to graduate this year. This is in order to speed up his graduation. But in such a case, the student is allowed to exceed the load by no more than 3 credit hours (only one course).
  • The student is not allowed to delete a course in his current or previous academic level.
  • The student does not have the right to add courses for which he has not fulfilled the necessary requirements (check the course requirements at the bottom of the page).
  • The student is not entitled to take the course and its requirement in the same semester.
  • The student committed to a study plan is not entitled to change his schedule (by deleting, adding, or changing divisions). These procedures cannot be carried out through the department, in any situation. But if the student faces a problem with regard to registration (such as his schedule not having a course in his current academic level), he shall refer the problem to the Department Administration.
  • Registration in even/odd courses is very restricted, However, the following have priority:
  1. The students expected to graduate in the current semester.
  2. The underachievers who are not able to register in other courses.
  3. The students expected to graduate the following semester, if they add these courses.

Academic Advisor Duties:

  1. To be completely aware of the time schedule of course registration, postponement, and dropping dates announced by the Deanship of Admissions and Registration;
  2. To know the college academic plan and the student's graduation requirements, and to ensure compatibility between the student schedule and the study plan;
  3. To prepare the academic advising record for each student. The advisor opens a special file for each student in the group. This includes registered courses, grades, GPA, the minutes of the periodic meetings between the advisor and the student, as well as any reports or warnings by the course instructor, to assess the level of the student.
  4. To meet with the student at the beginning of every semester to:
    • learn about their performance in the previous semester;
    • urge students to exert much effort in the coming semester;
    • assist and guide students in registering courses and find solutions in case of timetable conflicts;
    • follow up the attendance regularity of students, and in case of absence or weak achievement, the advisor should search for reasons and solutions, or refer the case to the college administration;
    • discover talented and distinguished students, encouraging them to participate in local and international conferences, and assisting them with the process;
    • urge students to participate in academic activities and events organized by the department, college, or university, such as the Scientific Contest and the University Role Model Contest;
    • dedicate office hours to discuss academic matters with students and guide them;
    • submit quarterly reports on each student's academic performance to the Academic Advising Unit, covering the student's academic performance;
    • submit a report about the problems faced by the advisor during the advising process.

Student's Role:

The students, first and foremost, are to be held responsible for their own academic performance. The advisor's role is only to guide and help the student to overcome the difficulties and problems they may encounter. Students should:

  • read the unified regulations for undergraduate studies, understanding and comprehending the related university systems and regulations;
  • familiarize themselves with the academic calendar of the Deanship of Admissions and Registration and check it at the beginning of every semester to know the dates of registration, postponement, and apology, etc.
  • keep up punctual attendance at the meetings with the academic advisor designated to each student by the department, and provide them with all the information they need;
  • carry out the academic advisor's recommendations, and regularly meet with him according to scheduled dates; and
  • inform the advisor about any changes that may affect the student's program or educational performance.

Course Prerequisites:

The student will not be allowed to register in the following courses if the requirements related to this course have not been fulfilled.

Language Courses


Speaking and Listening 2

Speaking and Listening 1

Speaking and Listening 3

Speaking and Listening 2

Language Structures 2

Language Structures 1

Language Structures 3

Language Structures 2

Language Structures 4

Language Structures 3

Writing Drills 2

Writing Drills 1

Writing Drills 3

Writing Drills 2

Writing Drills 4

Writing Drills 3

Reading Drills 2

Reading Drills 1

Reading Drills 3

Reading Drills 2

Reading Drills 4

Reading Drills 3

Vocabulary Building

Language Structure 2, Reading Drills 2

Introduction Courses


Introduction to Language

Language Structure 3, Writing Drills 3

Introduction to Literature

Language Structure 3, Writing Drills 3

Translation Courses


Translation 1

Introduction to Language

Translation 2

Translation 1

Linguistics Courses



Introduction to Language

Courses of the Department of Literature


Islamic Texts in English

Reading Drills 3/ Writing Drills 3

Courses of Other Departments

Introduction to Literature


GPA and Grades Table


GPA out of (4. 00 )


3. 50–4 00

Very good

2. 75 to less than 3. 50


1. 75 to less than 2. 75


1. 00 to less than 1. 75




Scores out of 4

Score Range



4. 00




3. 75

90 to less than 95



3. 5

85 to less than 90


Very good

3. 0

80 to less than 85


Above Average

2. 5

75 to less than 80



2. 0

70 to less than 75


High Pass

1. 5

65 to less than 70



1. 5

60 to less than 65



0. 0

Less than 60











0. 0



No Grade Pass


60 or more


No Grade Fail


Less than 60






Omitted, to transfer to another major




Equated to a course in an external university

70 or more

70 or more



Remote Academic Advising for the Summer Semester of the Academic Year 1442 A.H.:

Our male and female students at the Department of English Language at Al-Leith University College: Considering the current circumstances the world is experiencing due to the Corona virus pandemic, in line with the preventive precautionary measures taken by the state at all levels (may Allah strengthen it) to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19 and upon the directives of His Excellency the UQU President, the department leadership, represented by the Head of the Department, Dr. Makhlad bin Uwaid bin Majoul Al-Saeedi, decided to provide registration and academic advising services remotely for both sections for the summer semester of the academic year 1442 A.H. Students of the department are kindly requested to contact the male and female academic advisors via the university e-mail, as stated at the bottom of the page.

Registration and Advising Mechanism:

  • For registration and academic advising services, please contact the academic advisor whose information has been sent to your e-mail or is displayed on your web page on the UQU website.
  • The student can become acquainted with their academic advisor by referring to the academic record on the student's academic portal.
  •  In the absence of the advisor's name in the academic record, the student is requested to contact the Head or the Deputy Head of the Department and submit the required proof.

Regulations for Registering Course Remotely for the Summer Semester (1442 A.H.)

  1. Before starting registration, please review the regulations for the summer semester for the academic year 1442/1443 A.H. and the announcement of the Deanship of Admission and Registration concerning the registration in general courses.
  2. All department courses are registered electronically on the student page (via the academic portal) starting from Sunday, 11 Shawwal 1442 A.H., until the end of Tuesday, 13 Shawwal 1442 A.H.
  3. In the event that it is not possible to add the course electronically, the application will be submitted by contacting the academic advisor, taking into account the necessity to provide him with a copy of the academic record and the colored study plan. This will be available until the end of Thursday, 15 Shawwal 1442 A.H.
  4. For re-enrollment for students whose enrollment has been terminated, the application is submitted electronically, directly to the Academic Affairs Department of the Deanship of Admission and Registration, by filling out the form on the following link: click here. This will be available from Sunday, 11 Shawwal 1442 A.H., until the end of Tuesday, 13 Shawwal 1442 A.H.
  5. To achieve the maximum benefit from the department's services of academic advising, the student is requested to review carefully the regulations for registering courses in general, displayed on the top of the page.

Steps to be Followed with the Academic Advisor:

  • Before contacting the advisor: Before contacting the academic supervisor, please carefully read the instructions on academic advising at the top of this page to learn about the regulations and requirements for course registration.
  • Confirm the name of the academic supervisor appearing at the top of your page in the university website, after logging in to the website.
  • Check the contact information with the supervisor, as shown at the bottom of the page.
  • Contact the academic supervisor via the university email.

Note: In case of any problem, you can book an appointment with the Head of the Department, Dr. Makhlad bin Uwaid bin Majoul Al-Saeedi, via his university email.

University Emails of Academic Advisors / Male Section:

University Emails of the Academic Advisors / Female Section:

** For assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via the following email: [email protected]


Verily, Allah is the Grantor of success!
