Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research, September 2024

- 2024/09/19


This Special Issue is a collection of papers centered around Arabic Poetry Research that falls within the aims and scope of the journal and are organized and led by experts who take on the role of Guest Editors. All submissions in the Special Issue follow the same author guidelines, except for references style.  They undergo the same peer review process as regular papers to ensure quality, originality and internal integrity. The published articles are labelled as Special Issue and are discoverable within the collection.


Adel Al-Zahrani, Hatem Sakr, Hussein Al-Qarni, Samah Hamdi, Ahmed Al-Adwani
September 2024 | PDF 

Rituals of the First Poem: The Origins and Semiotics of Ruins Lamentation in Pre-Islamic "Talbiyat"

Fathi Ahmed Saleh Alshormani
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 1-18 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Biography in Classical Arabic Poetry: Publicity, Immortalisation and Mythicisation

Said Bakour
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 19-36 | September 2024 | Abstract | PDF

Poetry in Islamic Historical Writing: The Dialectic of Creativity and the Politics of Truth

Nader Al-Hammami
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 37-51 | September 2024Abstract | PDF
Amira Ghenim
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 52-68 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Spatial Sign Rhetoric in Gulf Poetry at the Turn of the Third Millennium

Mustafa Ibrahim El-Dabaa
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 69-89 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Spatial Semiotics in Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry: The Study Case of Suspended Odes

Naceur Omer Stamboul
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 90-105 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Literary Tourism in Saudi Arabia (Poetic Tourism in Najd)

Manal Saleh Almohaimeed, Mashael Abdulrahman Al-Tamami
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 106-125 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Poetry Places: Spaces of Intimacy and Loneliness in Examples of the Minor Poetry

Ali Boujdidi, Nouzha Khalfaoui
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 126-146 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Al-Mutanabbi's Genius - A Study in the Poetry Process

Saleh Saeed Al-Zahrani
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 147-164 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Body Transformations and their Phenomenological Hermeneutics: A Study of the Concealed Body Phenomenon in Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry

Rania Mohammed Sharif Al-Ardawi
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 165-180 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Renewal of Modern Arabic Poetry: The Culture-Creativity Controversy

Ould Matali Lamrabet Ahmed Mohamedou
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 181-194 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

The Motion of the Mutable and the Constant: An Analytical Study of the Temporal Rotation in the Poetry of Khaled Al-Faisal

Lamia Muhammad Saleh Baeshen
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 195-208 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

The Semiotics of Place in Saudi Women’s Poetry: Ashjan Hindi as a Model

Alreem Al-Fawwaz
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 209-224 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Fouad AlKhatib’s Poetry in the Saudi Era: Between Historical Moment and Poetical Moment

Muhammad Saeed Nasser Al Ali Alqarni
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 225-236 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Saudi Poetry in Francophone Culture: Reception and Translation Issues

Taoufik Aloui
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 237-263 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Paper and Technology Interaction in Production of Arabic Poetry: "Techno-Paper Poetry" Hypothesis as an Example

Mushtaq Abbas Ma‘an
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 264-281 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Interactive Digital Poetry and Experimental Prospects: A Study of the Works of Digital Poet Mushtaq Abbas Ma'an

Samar George Al-Deub
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 282-299 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

Representation of Saudi Culture in Digital Poetry

Aisha Bint Fahad Saeed Al-Barqa Al-Qahtani
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 300-312 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

The Overlap of Genres and Carnival Aesthetics in Digital Literature The Interactive Poem (Who Said...???) by Souad Aoun as an Example

Mahmoud Khalif Khudair Al-Hayani
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 313-323 | September 2024 Abstract | PDF

