Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Biography in Classical Arabic Poetry: Publicity, Immortalisation and Mythicisation

- 2024/09/19

Dr. Said Bakour*
Department of Arabic Language, Higher School of Education and Training, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 19-36 | September 2024 | | PDF
*Corresponding author: [email protected]



The study investigates Arabic praise and lament poetry from the perspective of biographies that chronicle the life of the praised and the lamented. It assumes that the poet produces a three-dimensional biography that is axed on publicity, immortalization and mythicisation. The data under investigation in the current enquiry comprised poetry excerpts that were conveniently sampled. In particular, discourse analysis was employed to analyse rhetorical structure and text organisation in the target poetry excerpts, in such a way to capture the essence the biographies under scrutiny and their capacity to create extended rhetorics. The biographies were also investigated to evaluate their capacity to generate organic imagery and filtered imagery, leaving ample possibilities for the interpretation of artistry in poetry. 


Biography, Classical Arabic Poetry, Immortalization, Mythicisation, Publicity.

How to Cite 

1. Bakour S. Biography in Classical Arabic Poetry: Publicity, Immortalisation and Mythicisation. Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Language Sciences and Literature. Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research, 2024 September; 19–36. doi:


