The Journal of Umm Al-Qura University (UQU) for Language Sciences and Literature is considered to be an extension of the UQU Journal of Shari`ah Sciences and Arabic Language, which was released in 1419 A.H. (1999 A.C.). Twenty issues of this journal were released up until 1428 A.H. (2007 A.C). The UQU Academic Council then issued a decision on 13 Muharram 1429 A.H. to change the names of some UQU scientific journals and establish seven new journals, each of which is specialized in one of the fields of human knowledge. As part of this process, the UQU Journal of Language Sciences and Literature was established. It initiated research production in 1429 A.H. and started to publish linguistic, literary, critical, and stylistic research papers, which are based on old and modern theoretical and applied approaches. Moreover, this journal has published research papers based on a careful analytical reading of heritage in light of modern linguistics and the multiplicity of critical, literary, and linguistic theories and approaches. The first issue was published in Muharram 1430 A.H. It is a semi-annual journal which publishes research papers in Arabic and English and receives papers written in French, German, and other languages.