Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Al-Mutanabbis Genius - A Study in the Poetry Process

- 2024/09/19

Dr. Saleh Saeed Al-Zahrani*
Department of Rhetoric and Criticism, College of Arabic Language and Literature, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research | Pages: 147-164 | September 2024 | | PDF
*Corresponding author: [email protected]



A number of Arab poets were well-known, and their poetry gained a presence in the memory of the Arab person, but the popularity that Abu al-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi and his poetry enjoyed was remarkable, as it filled the world and occupied people - according to the expression of Judge al-Jurjani - and his poetry remained the fairest melodies divided among poetry lovers, and the most process. The process of al-Mutanabbi's poetry is linked to his genius, which combined two consciousnesses: awareness of the truth of poetry, and awareness of the nature of the human soul, which are two different things. This is the research question and its knowledge gap, to which I did not find - in what I read - an answer. The answer to this question will not be achieved without a deep reading of the poetry of Abu al-Tabib through the transformations of the poetic meaning in the expression of the human self. Which reveals Al-Mutanabbi's awareness of human nature, and his unique ability in the aesthetic expression of that awareness, and this disclosure of this awareness will not be achieved except by employing the conquests of human knowledge in the philosophy of beauty, cognitive psychology, cognitive linguistics, and discourse analysis according to a descriptive and analytical methodology of the elements of the poetic phenomenon revealed in The end is about a well-defined pattern of Al-Mutanabbi's poetics in describing the human self, which fused idea and art with great brilliance.


The Process, The Self, Human Nature, Expectation, Attractiveness of the Pattern.

How to Cite 

1. Al-Zahrani S. Al-Mutanabbis Genius - A Study in the Poetry Process. Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Language Sciences and Literature. Special Issue: Arabic Poetry Research, 2024 September; 147–164. doi:


