Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Alumni Committee

- 2024/01/04
Alumni Committee
Overall responsibility
Establish and maintain a connection with the former graduates of the department.
Must be approved by the Department Council
Frequency of meetings
At least one meeting per semester
Terms of reference
The functions of the Almuni Committee are to:
  • Foster excellence, lifelong connections, continuous learning, inclusivity, global engagement, and advocacy.
  • Meet periodically to ensure department connections with the department graduates while providing unwavering commitment and support.
  • Contribute thoughtfully to strategic planning initiatives, enhancing alumni engagement, awareness, and loyalty to the university.
  • Enthusiastically convey the mission and purpose of the university and Alumni Committee, expanding its reach among the alumni community.
  • Nurture a strong bond between the Alumni Committee and current students, providing guidance and mentorship.
  • Diligently serve at least once a term on College Alumni Committee, applying expertise and dedication to advance its goals.
  • Stay abreast of the university's endeavors and the Alumni Office's mission, services, priorities, and programs.
  • Recognize and honor fellow alumni who embody loyalty, professional excellence, and unwavering community service.
  • Assist current students and alumni in navigating career paths, providing guidance, placement support, and transition assistance.
  • Encourage highly qualified and diverse prospective students to pursue an education at the Department of English at UQU, fostering a vibrant and inclusive academic community.
  • Forge strong working relationships among fellow Alumni Council members, fostering collaboration and achieving shared objectives.

Committee Members
Committee Chair
Dr. Maisarah Almirabi
Committee Vice Chair
Dr. Fadia Mereani
Dr. Sameer Aljabri
Dr. Hadeel Azhar