Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Teaching Assistants and Lecturers Affairs Unit

- 2019/10/20

Objectives of the Unit:

In accordance with article (3) of the regulations governing the affairs of Saudi university employees or those of equal rank, a permanent committee shall be formed in each university to manage the affairs of teaching assistants, lecturers, language teachers, and research assistants. It will be chaired by the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, and its members shall be composed and appointed in accordance with a decision issued by the University Council, pursuant to the recommendations of the UQU President. In turn, the committee shall submit its recommendations to the council.

Duties of the Unit:

  • Proposing the general policy for the selection of teaching assistants, lecturers, language teachers and research assistants, and overseeing their distribution to the colleges and departments.
  • Commenting on the recommendations issued by the Councils of Colleges on the appointment of teaching assistants, lecturers, language teachers and research assistants, according to the following criteria:
  • The number of Saudi college members and their percentage of the total number of college members in the department, in addition to their precise specializations and respective teaching loads.
  • The number of lecturers, teaching assistants, language teachers and research assistants in the department.
  • The number of scholarship students, the fields of their precise specialization, and the expected dates of their return.
  • A proposal for the distribution of the posts of teaching assistants, lecturers, language teachers and research assistants, according to the needs of current and future departments.
  • A review of the recommendations for transferring lecturers and teaching assistants to administrative posts within the university, or referring them to the Civil Service Department.