Supervising the application of the regulations and systems of administrative and financial affairs at the college.
Overseeing and developing the progress of the administrative work in the college.
Working on the development and reinforcement of the college's independent financial resources.
Organizing regular leave for college staff, including administrators, technicians, employees, and workers.
Supervising the evaluation of the performance of administrative staff of the college.
Supervising the facilities of the college with the relevant bodies and developing plans to follow up their maintenance and cleanliness.
Supervising communication with the concerned bodies to mend and follow up emergency breakdowns that occur in the college.
Supervising the distribution of administrative offices, and coordinating matters related to the use of the symposium halls in a manner that ensures the best use of these halls.
Supervising the evaluation of the performance of the administrative staff of the college.
Supervising the organization of delegation visits to the college.
Documenting return-to-work cases for faculty members and their likes.
Communicating directly with the departments and units inside the university in every thing related to his competencies, provided that he contacts those who are equivalent or less than his post.
Executing the tasks assigned to him by the college dean.
Receiving incoming transactions directly submitted to the college vice dean.
Dealing with annual requests for devices, equipment and materials for the college.
Organizing the college's needs for stationary items and furniture.
Organizing training courses for the college's non-academic staff affiliates and their likes.