جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى

الاهتمامات البحثية لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالقسم

- 2022/09/28



الدرجة العلمية  


الاهتمامات البحثية  

د/وداد فؤاد أزهر أستاذ مساعد [email protected]

Vitamin D assessment and its relation to health and disease

The relationship between Omega 3 fatty acids and disease

Cardiovascular disease and diet

Lipids profile and health 

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah


د/آلاء حاتم حسن قاضي  

أستاذ مساعد  

[email protected]  

Effect of vitamin D in health and chronic diseases 

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah  

أ.د/فراس سلطان إبراهيم العزة  


[email protected]  

Vitamins and minerals in human nutrition  

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah 

د/السيد حامد علي بكر  

أستاذ مشارك  

[email protected]  

Malnutrition incidence for inpatients and outpatients in Hospitals 

Nutrition in hajj and umrah 

د/حسان مظهر يحيى بخاري  

أستاذ مساعد  

[email protected]  

Osteoporosis; obesity in children; diet quality and chronic diseases 

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah 

د/ خلود جميل غفوري  




أستاذ مساعد  

[email protected]  

Metabolic syndrome  

Metabolic regulation in particular lipid metabolism  

Effect of exercise on metabolic regulations and sport nutrition  

Obesity management 

Sleep deprivation effect on diet and obesity  

Cardiovascular diseases and diet  

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah 

د/ ولاء بنت عصام الحساني  



أستاذ مساعد  

[email protected]  

The effect of functional foods on mental and physical well-being, women’s productivity and reproductive health, and immunity. 

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah. 

Weight management. 

The effect of nutrition education and counseling on dietary behavior. 

د/ أريج المورعي 

أستاذ مساعد  

[email protected]


أ/تغريد إبراهيم فضل  




[email protected]  

The Power of Hypoproteic Nutrition in End-stage Renal Failure  

Teenagers Understanding and Influence of Media Content on their Diet and Health- Related Behaviour 

Health Education 

Clinical Nutrition Research 

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah 

أ/منية توفيق جواهرجي  


[email protected]  

‏Maternity and infants outcomes related to exclusive breastfeeding or not: a one year follow-up study 

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah 

أ/ حنين يوسف وزان  


[email protected]  

Vitamins and minerals research, Applied nutrition on animal models 

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah 


أ/أبرار حمزة الحبشي  



[email protected]  

Sport, dieting and exercise Nutrition  

Molecular and nutrigenomics Nutrition, Obesity in Childhood, Enteral and Parenteral nutrition 

أ/ امتنان علي جفري  


[email protected]   

The relationship between nutrient supplement and disease like cancer 

Effects of Nutrition education on risk of some diseases 

Community Nutrition 

Pediatric studies 

أ/ عبد العزيز قصاص  


[email protected]   

Sport nutrition  

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah 

Food analysis  

أ/ نوف  فالحالخطابي  


[email protected]  

Obesity, Osteoporosis  

 Vitamin D and health 

Coffee consumption and health 

The effect of food quality on women’s hormones  

Community nutrition, Sports and Nutrition 

أ/آلاء حسنين فلمبان  


[email protected]  

Obesity Prevention, Vitamin D and pregnancy 

Folic acid and birth defects, Coffee consumption and health 

أ/ عبير عبدالله حسنين  


[email protected]  

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah 


أ/نفيسة محمد طاهر نور ولي  


[email protected]  

Clinical Nutrition research   

أ/سماح عبد اللطيف دمنهوري  


[email protected]  


Metabolically Healthy Obesity.  

Metabolic Syndrome.  


Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah 

أ. أشواق عبدالرزاقالمطرفي  

فني مختبر  

[email protected]  

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah 

Metabolic Syndrome. 


أ. نور زكي عبدالله فلفلان  

فني مختبر  

[email protected]  

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah 

Metabolic Syndrome. 

Food analysis  

أ. راوية عبدالعزيز الخزاعي  

فني مختبر  

[email protected]  

Nutrition in Hajj and Umrah 

Metabolic regulations  

Vitamin and mineral deficiency  





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