تحقق الجمعية أهدافها المذكورة بكافة الوسائل المناسبة، ولها على وجه الخصوص ممارسة أوجه النشاطات التالية:
Society Activities
The Saudi Toxicology Society STS achieves its stated objectives through all appropriate means, and in particular, engages in the following activities:
- Organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops to discuss issues related to the association's areas of interest.
- Conducting scientific research in its fields of interest and related knowledge, encouraging research efforts, publishing findings, and distributing and exchanging them with relevant institutions.
- Publishing a journal dedicated to the dissemination of research and studies connected to the association's fields of interest.
- Issuing awareness bulletins and publications, as well as other health education materials, to raise public awareness and knowledge in the association's areas of specialization.
- Conducting scientific excursions and organizing educational and cultural scientific competitions within the association's field of expertise.
- Contributing to training and continuous education programs in the association's areas of specialization.
- Participating in local and international exhibitions and seminars.
- Inviting related scholars and thinkers to participate in the association's activities.
- Issuing clinical guidelines and protocols in the association's fields of specialization.
- Collaborating in the assessment of scientific and professional qualifications and evaluating the performance of practitioners in the association’s field, in agreement with relevant entities.
- Providing technical advice to various health authorities regarding practices, activities, and health procedures, and evaluating healthcare facilities for accreditation purposes.
- Opening branches of the association in various regions of the Kingdom to extend its services to the maximum number of members.
- Focusing on programs and activities that protect different segments of society from toxins and their sources, such as anti-drug campaigns and anti-smoking initiatives.
- Establishing communication channels with international scientific associations in the field of specialization.