جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى

Research Collaboration Request Form

Research Collaboration Request Form

     من : - 2025/01/23 م , إلى : - 2030/12/31 م

توجد نسخة محفوطة من النموذج .. لا تنس إرسال النموذج بعد الانتهاء من إكمال كافة الحقول المطلوبة لمسح النسخة المحفوظة. اضغط هنا

Research Collaboration Request Form

    General Information

    * University

    Name of the University


    Name of the college


    Insert Date

    Researcher Information

    * Name

    Principal Investigator's name

    * Position

    Principal Investigator's Position: [Job Title]

    * Department

    Academic Department

    * Email

    Email Address of the Principal Investigator

    * Phone Number

    Phone Number of the Principal Investigator

     Collaborating Researchers (if any)

    Please mention all of the researchers who will have access to the UQU pharmacy research lab: [Researcher 1 Name] (school) [Researcher 2 Name] (school)

    Research Details

     Research Title

    Provide the full title of the research project

     Research Proposal

    Please attach the research proposal including methodology

    الامتدادات المسموح بها : csv, doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx, ppsx, txt, xls, xlsx
    الحجم المسموح به : 1024

     IRB Letter

    The Institutional Review Board Letter (IRB) / Ethical Approval (If applicable)

    الامتدادات المسموح بها : csv, doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx, ppsx, txt, xls, xlsx
    الحجم المسموح به : 1024

     Collaboration Objectives

    Detail the goals that the collaboration aims to achieve

     Research Field

    e.g., Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacy, other….

    Collaboration Details

     Collaborating Entity

    Name of the collaborating entity, whether internal or external

     Required Resources

    Material Resources: [e.g., laboratory equipment or laboratory unit], Human Resources: [e.g., researchers, specialized technicians]

     Research Start Date

    Research Start Date

     Expected Completion Date

     Which of the following do you need to use in your research?



    I agree to the terms of use which mandates acknowledging the UQU College of Pharmacy research lab in the publication and/or including at least one of UQU College of Pharmacy staff members with a relevant qualification in the study as a participant after fulfilling the required criteria for participation in the publication.
    Also, I understand that the UQU College of Pharmacy is not responsible for providing the study with any disposable resources (chemicals, reagents, materials, or datasets) and the approval is merely for using the available lab equipment."
    All use of the college’s instruments and equipment will be operated under the direct supervision of the colleges’ faculties, who are highly trained and experienced in the proper operation and handling of these resources.

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