جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى

توصيف المقررات

- 2019/03/27

2316101-3            Intro. to Computer Science

2316102-3            Intro. to Information Syst.

2316103-3            Computer Programming

2316204-3            Structured Programming

2316205-3            Advanced Programming

2316210-3            Discrete Structures

2316211-3            Web Programming

2316213-3            Logic Design & Analysis

2316214-3            Comp. Org. & Assembly

2316315-3            Computer Architecture

2316316-3            Multimedia Systems

2316317-3            Logic Programming

2316318-4            Data Structures & Algorithms

2316322-3            System Analysis & Design

2316327-3            File Processing & Org.

2316331-4            Programming Languages

2316333-3            Internet App. Development

2316410-3            Compiler Construction

2316411-3            Operating Systems

2316412-3            Fundamentals of Databases

2316413-3            Software Engineering

2316415-3            Computer Theory

2316430-3            Computer Graphics

2316432-3            Artificial Intelligence

2316433-3            Human Computer Interact.

2316434-3            Parallel & Dist. Computers

2316435-3            Advanced Databases

2316513-3            Expert Systems

2316514-3            Nat. Language Processing

2316517-3            Computer Networks

2316519-4            Graduation Project I

2316531-3            Computers & Society

2316532-3            Computer Security

2316539-4            Graduation Project II

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