Umm Al-Qura University
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Adham University College
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The College Vice Deanship for Educational Affairs
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The College Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research
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Course Description Of the Computer Science Department
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Major of Mathematics
Major of Computers
Major of Arabic Language (37)
Arabic Linguistics, Morphology, and Syntax (35)
Major of Biology (37)
Major of Biology (35)
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Adham University College
A Questionnaire Measuring Awareness of the Importance of Early Detection of Breast Cancer among Female Students at Adham University College
From :
2020/10/14 م
, To :
2026/10/19 م
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A Questionnaire Measuring Awareness of the Importance of Early Detection of Breast Cancer among Female Students at Adham University College
What do you know about the importance of the early detection of breast cancer?
لا يوجد لدي معرفة
معرفة متوسطة
معرفة جيدة
Does early detection of breast cancer increase the chances of obtaining better results (breast preservation and saving the patient's life)?
لا أعلم
Have you heard about a breast self-examination?
Do you know how to perform a breast self-examination?
Do you perform breast self-examinations?
Is there anyone in your family who has or has had breast cancer?
If you have a family history of breast cancer, do you consult a physician or visit a specialized center?
Have you ever attended any campaign or activity about breast cancer awareness?
نعم لكن لم أستفيد
Do you think there is enough breast cancer awareness in your area?
لا أعلم
Do you know the early signs of breast cancer?
To what extent are you aware of the methods of breast cancer examinations and consequently early detection?
لا يوجد لدي معرفة
معرفة متوسطة
معرفة جيدة
Because you are important... Your awareness is important to us.
What is the most vulnerable age group?
أقل من 20
20 الى 40
أكبر من 40
Most breast masses in women are not cancerous.
لا اعلم
غير صحيح
What is the best time for self-examination?
شهرياً (بعد الحيض)
شهرياً (قبل الحيض)
Breast cancer affects:
النساء فقط
الرجال فقط
كلا الجنسين
Choose all the breast cancer examination methods you know.
الفحص السريري للثدي
الفحص الذاتي للثدي
فحص التصوير الاشعاعي (الماموجرام)
The only purpose of a breast self-examination is to look for lumps.
Choose all the factors that you think may increase your risk of breast cancer:
أن يكون الشخص انثى
أن يكون الشخص ذكرا
بدء الحيض في وقت متأخر من العمر (بعد سن 16)
انقطاع الطمث في وقت مبكر (قبل سن 40)
انقطاع الطمث في وقت متأخر (بعد سن 55)
عدم إنجاب الأطفال
الأحمال المتعددة (إنجاب الكثير من الأطفال )
إرضاع الأطفال رضاعة طبيعية
عدم إرضاع الأطفال رضاعة طبيعية
فرط استهلاك الكحول
عدم ممارسة الرياضة
سوء التغذية
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