Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Family Climate and its Relationship to the Level of Psychological Flow among Students of the Faculty of Education at Al-Azhar University - Gaza

- 2024/05/23

Osama S. A. Hamdouna*
Department of Psychology, the Faculty of Education, Al-Azhar University Gaza, Palestine
Volume:16 | Issue: 1 | Pages:135-147 | March 2024 | | PDF
Received:17/2/2022 | Revised:17/9/2022 | Accepted:19/9/2022 
*Corresponding author



The study aimed to identify the relationship between family climate and psychological flow among students of the Faculty of Education at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, the sample consisted of (200), male and female students from the Faculty of Education at Al-Azhar University from the second and fourth levels who were chosen by the stratified sampling method. The study used the family climate scale prepared by Muhammad Bayoumi Khalil (2000), and the psychological flow scale prepared by (the researcher). The results of the study showed: There was a positive relationship between family climate and psychological flow among the study sample members. There were differences in psychological flow due to the difference in the level of the family climate (low, high), and the differences were in favor of the higher positive family climate. There were no differences in the family climate and psychological flow due to the gender variable. There were differences in the family climate due to the variable of the academic level, and the differences were in favor of the second level. There were no differences in the level of psychological flow due to the academic level variable.


Family climate, Psychological flow, University students, Al-Azhar University in Gaza.

How to Cite 

Hamdouna, O. S. A. (2024). Family climate and its relationship to the level of psychological flow among students of the Faculty of Education at Al-Azhar University - Gaza. Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Educational and Psychological Sciences, 16(1), 135-147.


