Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Author Guide

- 2024/04/16


First: Materials accepted for publication

  1. The journal publishes original scientific research papers that adhere to the methodology and steps of scientific research, and add something new to specialized knowledge in the fields of education and psychology. The research paper may be written in either Arabic or English; it should have not been previously published; it should not be extracted from scientific dissertations. If the research paper is accepted for publication in the journal, it should not be published in any other periodical without the written permission of the editor-in-chief.
  2. The journal publishes research translations, readings, book reviews, scientific reports, and follow-ups on conferences, seminars, and academic activities related to its areas of speciality.
  3. The journal reviews distinguished educational and psychological innovations and experiments, for the purpose of presentation and documentation.
  4. The journal enriches its issues with profound specialized intellectual articles that diagnose a status quo, explore the future, draw lessons from the past, or offer rich global ideas and applications; the journal welcomes these type of articles and their authors.
  5. Research ideas and proposals (individual and collective) at the local and Arab levels.

Second: Publication criteria

  1. All received research papers are initially checked by the University Journals Office to ensure they match the publication rules set by the journal.
  2. Plagiarism should not exceed 10% of the paper.
  3. Research papers are also first reviewed by a member of the journal editorial board specialized in the research field of the submitted paper to identify the appropriate peer reviewers.
  4. Before publication in the journal, all submitted research papers and studies are peer-reviewed by two referees within the relevant field of research, from different countries and nationalities, with research experience and distinguished scientific standing, outside the editorial board. In the event of a conflict decision, the paper will be sent to a third referee.
  5. The journal is keen that the academic rank of the peer reviewer should be higher than the rank of the researcher. In all cases, the rank of the peer reviewer shall be no less than an Associate Professor.
  6. The acceptance rate for publishing the research is three months.


Third: Before you Begin

Manuscript submission rules

Before starting the submission process, authors are required to read the submission guidelines. The submission will be rejected in case of any missing points. Authors should ensure that:

  1. The manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word file format.
  2. The author's information or affiliation should not be mentioned in any document other than the cover letter.
  3. The figures, tables, and other materials should be submitted as a separate file.
  4. Authors should follow the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines on the Journal web page.
  5. Please submit your manuscript through the "Submit Manuscript" tab.
  6. The size of each file is limited to 3MB.
  7. The researcher undertakes that the research has not been published; that it is not derived from a master’s thesis, a doctoral thesis, or a published book; that it has not been submitted for publication to other parties; that it will not be submitted for publication to another party at the same time until the peer-reviewing procedures are completed. The researcher shall agree to transfer the copyright to the journal after the research has been approved for publication in its final form.
  8. An abstract of the research must be submitted in Arabic and English with a maximum of 250 words for each. The research title should not exceed more than 15 words with a maximum of 5 keywords (Arabic and English). Note: The author details must not be disclosed.
  9. The journal accepts review paper (theoretical research) and should contains (Introduction includes the problem of study and previous studies – Objectives – Limitation - Methodology – Findings/Results - Conclusion and Recommendation)  and also original qualitative and quantitative research (field research) that is composed of the following parts: (introduction includes the problem of the research - previous studies - objectives - limitation – methodology - Instruments – Findings/Results - Discussion – Conclusion and Recommendations).
  10.  The number of search words shall not exceed (9,000 words), including references, tables, and figures, except for appendices.
  11. Typing patterns and formats are as follows
    • Page size (A4), line spacing as much as (1), and margins (minimum 2.5 cm) for both the top and bottom sides of the page (including margins, references, quotations, tables, and appendices).
    • The middle/bottom of all pages of the paper shall be numbered.
    • All the numbers throughout the paper should be written in English using Arabic Numerals and their dates are written using the Gregorian calendar.
    • Researchers shall disclose the sources of all financial support used in the research.
    • References and resources are documented both within the research and in the reference list, according to the most recent version of the American Psychological Association - APA7 system, whether in English or in Arabic. Please see the examples listed here for guidance (
    • Researchers shall translate (Romanize) Arabic references into English and write the translated references in the Foreign Reference List.
    • References shall not be numbered and alphabetically arranged.
    • If a researcher uses a data collection tool, he/she shall provide a complete copy of that tool, and attach the entire research material as an attachment to the electronic publication request form.
  12. If the research is jointly published, the first researcher is obliged to get written authorization from all researchers and make a statement of the effort exerted by all researchers that participated in the preparation of the research.
  13. The researcher sends the research in its final form after making the amendments within three weeks from the date of the request for amendments, through their electronic page on the Journal's website.
  14. The researcher is committed to coordinating the research after being approved for publication according to the format of the Journal.


Manuscript Preparation

Please use the Microsoft Word template to prepare your abstract.

Please use the Microsoft Word template to prepare your manuscript in the Arabic language.

Please use the Microsoft Word template to prepare your manuscript in the English language.


Fourth: Rights of the journal

  1. The editorial board has the right to the initial check of the research and to decide its validity to be peer-reviewed.
  2. The editor-in-chief may provide the researcher whose paper was rejected for publishing with the opinion of the peer reviewers or its summary, upon request, without mentioning the names of the peer reviewers and without any obligation to reply to the defense of the researcher.
  3. The research is considered withdrawn if the researcher fails to make the amendments required in the research within two months from the date of receiving the reply from the journal unless there is a reason regarded as acceptable by the journal editorial board.
  4. If the research is not accepted, the journal is not obliged to give justifications.
  5. Publishing accepted papers will be prioritized based on the date they are submitted to the journal.
  6. The research is not to be published in another scientific journal after it has been approved for publication in one of Umm Al-Qura University's scientific journals.
  7. The scientific journal has the right to re-publish any research, in print or electronically, that it has previously published, without the need to obtain the permission of the researcher; it also has the right to allow others to add its research to different databases, whether paid or free.
  8. Once the research has been accepted for publishing, ownership of the research paper is transferred from the author to the journal. All copyright is reserved for the publisher (UQU).

Fifth: Researcher's rights and duties

  1. Upon receiving the paper, the researcher is notified via the designated system on the journal website and is provided with a research reference number.
  2. The researcher is notified of the initial check decision given by the editorial board member, who is in the same research field, after the research eligibility for peer-reviewing has been verified, within two working weeks from the date of providing the researcher with the research reference number.
  3. If the research is accepted, the researcher is notified of the peer-review result by providing them with a summary of the peer-reviewers opinion, or given an apology for not publishing the research if the research does not pass the peer-reviewing stage, within two working weeks after the journal has received the peer-reviewers report.
  4. The researcher is given an electronic copy of the issue that includes their research.
  5. The researcher is granted an “Acceptance of Publication Certificate” after the research paper has been finalized, updated the research according to the peer-reviewers feedbacks and comments, and approved by the relevant faculty member.
  6. The researcher may re-publish the research that was published in the journal, after the elapse of three years of its publication in the UQU journal, provided that the researcher seeks the permission of the journal in writing, and refers to the source when re-publishing it.
  7. The researcher is not allowed to withdraw their research after the journal has started the peer-reviewing procedures.
  8. The researcher should adhere to the standards and guidelines for submitting research specified by the Umm Al-Qura University Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, and the principles and standards of scientific publishing ethics.
  9. The researcher is obliged to stick to the requirements of scientific integrity and should honor intellectual property rights.
  10. In the case of a joint publication, the researcher is obliged to obtain the written consent of all co-researchers and to acknowledge the effort of everyone who participated with the researcher in conducting the research and preparing the research paper.
  11. The researcher is not permitted to submit a research paper that has been published in whole or in part in any form or language. They also undertake not to submit the research paper to any other party when it is under review by the journal. If it is accepted for publication, the researcher is not permitted to publish it again without obtaining the prior written consent of the journal.
  12. The researcher undertakes to make the amendments mentioned in the peer-reviewers reports, with justification for anything that is not modified.
  13. The researcher must send the final research paper with the amendments, within two weeks from the date of the amendment request, through the researcher's electronic page on the journal website.
  14. The researcher is obliged to disclose any conflict of interest that may arise from the research, and they must disclose the source of all financial support for their research.
  15. Published materials express the opinions of the authors. Authors are responsible for the soundness of information and the accuracy of conclusions.
  16. If the researcher finds a major error in the published work, they must inform the editor-in-chief to enable them to delete or correct the error.


How to contact the journal:

Inquiries should be sent directly to the editor-in-chief of Umm Al-Qura University Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, or Umm Al-Qura University Scientific Journals Office, as follows:

  • Email of Umm Al-Qura University Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences: [email protected]
  • E-mail of the University of Umm Al-Qura Scientific Journals Office: [email protected]
  • Umm Al-Qura University Scientific Journals Office Telephone No.: 966125270000 (5090)