Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Relations of Science Fiction with Metacognitive Skills and Attitude towards Physics: A Predictive Study on the Undergraduate Students

- 2024/04/07

Dr. Abdulaaty Abdulkarim Mohamed Ahmed1*, Dr. Abdullah Abdulkareem Alharbi2
1Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, College of Education, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia & Al-Azhar University.
2Assistant Professor Curriculum & Teaching Methods of Science, Curriculum & Instruction Department, College of Education, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia.
Volume:15 | Issue: 4 | Pages:1-18 | December 2023 | | PDF
Received:29/09/2022 | Accepted:04/12/2022 
*Corresponding author



The study aimed to investigate the relationship between science fiction and metacognitive skills, as well as attitude towards physics. Additionally, the study aimed to determine the predictability of science fiction based on metacognitive skills and attitude towards physics. The sample for the study comprised 121 male and female students (22 males and 99 females) enrolled in the College of Sciences and Arts in Ar Rass, Qassim University, specializing in Physics, during the academic year 1442 AH.  Participants completed the Science Fiction Scale, Metacognitive Skills Scale, and Attitude Towards Physics Scale. Findings revealed that, except for a positive and statistically significant correlation at the (0.05) level between the dimensions of 'learning physics' and 'scientific production,' and between 'physics teacher' and 'scientific sensation,' no other statistically significant correlation existed between attitude towards physics and science fiction in their various dimensions.  Positively and statistically significant correlations were found between science fiction, across all dimensions, and metacognitive skills in all dimensions. However, no correlations were identified between metacognitive skills and attitude towards physics. The study further indicated the unpredictability of science fiction through metacognitive skills such as 'planning, monitoring, & evaluation,' while science fiction could be predicted based on the total score of the metacognitive skills scale. Additionally, the results revealed the unpredictability of science fiction through attitude towards physics across its various dimensions.


Science Fiction, Attitudes, Physics, Metacognition.

How to Cite 

Ahmed, A., & Alharbi, A. (2023). Relations of Science Fiction with Metacognitive Skills and Attitude towards Physics: A Predictive Study on the Undergraduate Students. Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Educational and Psychological Sciences, 15(4), 1-18.


