Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Organizational memory is an approach to achieving institutional excellence in Saudi universities in light of the experience of the United States of America (Proposed concept)

- 2023/10/11

Wejdan Obaid saeed Alqurashi
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education, Northern Border University in Arar, Saudi Arabia
Volume:15 | Issue: 3 | Pages:19-49 | September 2023 | | PDF
Received:18/03/2022 | Accepted:15/08/2022 


The study aimed to build a proposed conception to identify organizational memory as an entry point for achieving institutional excellence in Saudi universities in light of the experience of the United States of America. By revealing the dimensions of organizational memory in Saudi universities (the level dimension, the content dimension, the forms dimension, the direction dimension, the formation dimens  ion) and determining the degree of achieving institutional excellence in Saudi universities with its dimensions (leadership, operations, human and financial resources, knowledge) And to reveal the contribution of the dimensions of organizational memory to achieving institutional excellence. To achieve the objectives of the study, the study followed the descriptive analytical approach, where the sample consisted of (303) leaders. A questionnaire was built that consisted of two axes: the first measures the degree of dimensions of organizational memory, and the number of its paragraphs was (24). A paragraph and the second axis measure the dimensions of institutional excellence, and the number of its paragraphs is (20) paragraphs. The validity and stability of the study tool was confirmed by applying to the exploratory sample. The study found that the dimensions of organizational memory were practiced in the total degree (medium) with an arithmetic average of (3.00), and all dimensions appeared with an average practice degree, and the level dimension of organizational memory came in the first rank with an arithmetic average of (3.25), then the dimension of shapes ranked The second, with an arithmetic average of (3.19), then the content dimension (2.97), then the orientation dimension (2.81), then the “formation dimension in the last rank” with an arithmetic average of (2.78), and it was found that institutional excellence was achieved at a medium degree (2.95) It came after excellence in knowledge management with a high degree (3.52), then operations (2.95), human and financial resources (2.85), and leadership at the last rank and with a medium degree (2.83). It was also found that the dimensions of organizational memory contribute by 94% to achieving institutional excellence, which was the highest. For the dimension of organizational memory forms (33%), organizational memory formation (29%) and guidance (11%), the study recommended applying the proposed vision and training leaders on methods of building organizational memory to achieve institutional excellence.


Organizational memory, institutional excellence, Saudi universities, the experience of the United States of America.

How to Cite 

Alqurashi, W.  (2023). Organizational memory is an approach to achieving institutional excellence in Saudi universities in light of the experience of the United States of America (Proposed concept), Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Educational and Psychological SciencesVol-15 (3) pp. 19-49


