Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Volume-14, Issue-4: December 2022 / Article-11

- 2023/02/15

The impact of the Learning Management System Experience in Improving Achievement Level of Mathematics for Saudi Middle School Students

Abdulrahman Saud Al-Rasheed
Department of Psychology, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Volume:14 | Issue: 4 Pages:204-214 | December 2022 | | PDF
Received:04/06/2022 | Accepted:30/08/2022 


Learning management system has been widely used on a private level and cross at the level of education systems. Current study aimed to identify the impact of leaning management system on improving the achievement level of mathematics for Saudi middle school Students as a part of the full use in the entire curriculum. Ninety-six middle school students in Riyadh region were participated in this study; 46 female students were drowned from grade 6 and 50 male students were drown from grade 9, samples at both grads were distributed over two groups, the experimental and the control group. In order to achieve the impact of the learning management system on the educational process, a comprehensive closed-source electronic educational platform (Future Gate) was implemented that contains a number of technical functions for all parties to the educational process to obtain a fully-fledged electronic learning process. The platform consisted of a set of technical tools for all beneficiaries that enhance learning and improve its efficiency. By conducting the educational process in two parallel tracks (traditional - the future gate) during an entire academic year, the results of the study came to enhance the use of the learning management system among basic education institutions in teaching mathematics. The results of the study revealed significant differences in favor of the two experimental groups in the high rates of achievement. mathematics subjects were compared to their counterparts in the two control groups.


E-Learning, Learning Management System, Academic achievement, mathematics.

How to Cite 

Al-Rasheed, A. (2022). The impact of the Learning Management System Experience in Improving Achievement Level of Mathematics for Saudi Middle School Students, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Educational and Psychological Sciences, Vol (14), No (4). pp. 204-214.


