Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Volume-14, Issue-2: June 2022 / Article-10

- 2022/12/26

The development of kindergarten management in the light of the electronic management approach (analytical study)

Rabab Taha Ali Yunis
Assistant Professor, Department of Early Childhood, Jouf University, Saudi Arabia
Volume:14 | Issue: 2 
Pages:206-231 | June 2022 | | PDF
Received: 28/03/2022 | Accepted:03/06/2022 


The study aimed to develop kindergarten management in the light of the electronic management approach and used the descriptive approach. Previous studies showed that the second axis dealt with the meaning of electronic management and its most prominent features, while the third axis focused on how to develop kindergarten management in the light of the electronic management approach, and dealt with the requirements for developing kindergarten management in the light of the electronic management approach, and the mechanisms and procedures for developing kindergartens in the light of the electronic management approach. And success factors for the transformation of electronic management to achieve administrative development in kindergartens.


Electronic Management, Development, Administrative Performance, Kindergarten.

How to Cite 

Yunis, R. (June 2022), 'The development of kindergarten management in the light of the electronic management approach (analytical study)', Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Educational and Psychological Sciences, Vol 14, Issue.2. pp.  206-231


