Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Volume - 13, Issue - 3: September, 2021 / Article-3

- 2022/03/29

Developing the Content of Islamic Studies Courses at Arabic Language Teaching Institution for Non-Speakers at The Islamic University in Medina in Consideration of The Intellectual Security Concepts

Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Sheikh1

1Assistant Professor at Arabic language teaching institution for non-speakers at the Islamic university in medina


Volume: 13 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 62-91 | | September 2021 | PDF

Received: 25 November 2021 | Accepted: 3 October 2021



This research aimed to develop the content of Islamic studies courses at the Institute of Arabic language education for non-speakers at Islamic university in Medina city in consideration of intellectual security concepts which required: Creating a list contains the required intellectual security concepts which need to be available at the Institute of Arabic language education for non-speakers at Islamic university in Medina city. Afterward, analyzing the content of the courses to measure the availability of these concepts to establish a suggested proposal to develop the courses in consideration of intellectual security concepts. The researcher adopted the analytic descriptive method. The researcher concluded it to: A list of the required intellectual security concepts which need to be available at the Institute of Arabic language education for non-speakers at Islamic university in Medina city which consists of four concepts contains 47 requirements. The concepts of intellectual security existed poorly as a whole in the Islamic studies courses at the Institute of Arabic language education for non-speakers at Islamic university in Medina city. Approximately, reached 3.5 percent in all courses. A higher percent existed in the history of the rightly guided Caliphs as it reached 1.2, followed by the fourth level of Tauhîd course as it reached 0.6. It reached 0.4 percent for the third of both Tauhîd and Prophetic biography courses, finally, it reached 0.3 percent in the third level of Hadith, Fiqh, and commentary of Quran courses. The suggested proposed contained some points considering the development of the content of Islamic studies courses at the Institute of Arabic language education for non-speakers at Islamic university in Medina city in all aspects.


intellectual security concepts, Islamic studies teaching, the institute of language education, non-speaker.

How to cite this paper:

Sheikh, A (2021). Developing the Content of Islamic Studies Courses at Arabic Language Teaching Institution for Non-Speakers at The Islamic University in Medina in Consideration of The Intellectual Security Concepts, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Educational and Psychological Sciences, Vol (13), No (3) 
