Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

 Volume - 13, Issue - 4: December, 2021 / Article-5

- 2022/03/27

The extent of including standards for the International Trends Study (TIMSS) in the content of Mathematics curriculum for Basic Grades (1 - 4) in Palestine

Dr. Ali Mohammed Nassar 1

1 Assistant Professor of Mathematics Teaching, Faculty of Education, Al-Azhar University- Gaza, [email protected]


Volume:13 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 116-141 | | December 2021 | PDF

Received: 9 June 2021 | Accepted: 1 December 2021



The Article aims to find out the extent of including standards for the International Trends Study (TIMSS) in the content of Mathematics curriculum for Basic Grades (1 - 4) in academic year 2019/2020. Researcher used the descriptive and analytical approach. According to (TIMSS, 2015) Standards, which must be met in the content, and it has two dimensions: mathematical content dimension includes three domains (numbers, geometric shapes and measurement, and data presentation), (27) criteria. And cognitive processes dimension, includes three domains (knowledge, application, and inference), (16) criteria. Then researcher analyze the content of mathematics curriculum for the four basic grades new books (two parts) first edition 2016 was conducted, according to the specified criteria in order to verify the extent to which these criteria were included, and results showed:

1-Numerical field standards in the content dimension have been achieved the highest frequency at 64.4%, followed by field of geometric shapes and measurement at 22.9%, followed by displaying data at 12.7%. 

2. As for cognitive processes, knowledge field achieved the highest frequency, at 59.2%, and field of application at 30.2%, and inference, at 10.6%.


Mathematics, TIMSS, curriculum content, Standards, lower basic stage, Content Analysis

How to cite this paper:

Nassar, A (2021). The extent of including standards for the International Trends Study (TIMSS) in the content of Mathematics curriculum for Basic Grades (1 - 4) in Palestine, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Educational and Psychological Sciences, Vol (13), No (4)
