Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Volume - 13, Issue - 4: December, 2021 / Article-4

- 2022/03/29

Training academic leaders using the simulation method to activate the sustainable competitive advantage in Saudi Universities A proposed concept

Elham N. Al Rajhi1

1Department of Educational Administration and Planning, College of Education Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah- Saudi Arabia, [email protected]


Volume:13 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 82-115 | | December 2021 | PDF

Received: 3 Augest 2021 | Accepted: 1 December 2021



The aim of the research is to present a proposed scenario for training academic leaders to activate the sustainable competitive advantage using the simulation method on the impact of contemporary global experiences. In order to ensure the activation of the sustainable competitive advantage so that we have leaders who possess the skills, experience and ability to innovate in their field of work; This is within the framework of a study that deals with analyzing the impact of using the simulation method, which is considered one of the most effective means for learning complex skills, and is one of the most important training methods that support innovation and creativity. A proposal according to scientific foundations based on the literature of the study and international experiences. The most important results are that using the simulation method to train leaders contributes to obtaining a sustainable competitive advantage by providing leaders with theoretical and applied skills. Thus, this is reflected on the efficiency of universities, and their ability to achieve an advanced ranking in international rankings according to Vision 2030. In light of the proposed vision, a set of recommendations were presented that hopefully will benefit the higher authorities and development and quality bodies in order to improve aspects of work and keep pace with modern methods and methodologies within training methods as a method Simulation is a field that is not covered in many management studies. He urged universities to establish training centers in colleges to design training programs in light of the needs of leaders, taking into account indicators of competitive advantage in light of activating training using the simulation method.


university leadership, simulation method, sustainable competitive advantage

How to cite this paper:
Al Rajhi, E (2021). Training academic leaders using the simulation method to activate the sustainable competitive advantage in Saudi Universities A proposed concept, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Educational and Psychological Sciences, Vol (13), No (4) 

