Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

The Supervisory Committee of the Research Chairs

- 2021/06/19

The Supervisory Committee of the Research Chairs


Prof. Fahd bin Ahmad Yahia Al-Zahrani

UQU Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research



Prof. Bassim bin Yusuf Al-Kazhemi

Dean of the Deanship of Scientific Research

Vice Chairman


Prof. Farid bin Ali Al-Ghamdi

UQU Vice President



Prof. Abdul-Wahhab bin Muhammad Telmesani

Academic Staff Member at the College of Medicine



Dr. Rami bin Abdulaziz Al-Futani

Academic Staff Member at the College of Engineering and Architecture



Mr. Adel bin Abdullah Al-Attas

UQU Financial Controller



The Supervisory Committee of the Research Chairs is the authority supervising the scientific, administrative, and financial aspects of the research chairs. It is commissioned to monitor the extent to which research chairs have achieved their goals and mission. More specifically, the committee undertakes the following tasks:

  1. Formulating the general policy for research chairs at the university.
  2. Recommending approval of the rules governing the administrative and financial aspects of the research chairs.
  3. Recommending approval of the rules governing self-assessment and internal and external academic accreditation of chairs.
  4. Recommending approval of the creation of research chairs.
  5. Recommending the continuation of research chairs whose financiers have stopped funding, or stopping them.
  6. Recommending approval of the extension of expired research chairs.
  7. Recommending the naming of new research chairs or modifying their current names.
  8. Recommending the recruitment of research chair professors
  9. Approving the renewal of research chair professors.
  10. Approving the recruitment of research chair consultants.
  11. Approving the appointment of the advisory body members of the research chairs.
  12. Approving the strategic and operation plans for the research chairs.
  13. Supervising the Research Chair Fund activities.
  14. Approving the Research Chair Fund investments.
  15. Recommending the approval of providing financial loans for research chairs from the university budget, as needed.
  16. Recommending the approval of providing financial loans for research chairs from the Research Chair Fund, as required.
  17. Recommending the acceptance of grants, wills, gifts, donations, and endowments provided for research chairs.
  18. Approval of the session attendance allowance payment from the research chairs' reserve funds when no support is available to pay them from the university budget.
  19. Approving the annual reports of the Vice Deanship of Research Chairs.
  20. Approving the performance reports of the research chairs after having them peer-reviewed.
  21. Approving the performance reports of the Research Chair Fund.
  22. Approving the fiscal policy and the annual budget, making item transfers for the Vice Deanship of Research Chairs, and approving its balance sheet.
  23. Approving the fiscal policy and the annual budget, making item transfers for the research chairs, and approving their balance sheet
  24. Approving the fiscal policy and the annual budget, making item transfers for the Research Chair Fund, and approving its balance sheet.
  25. Adoption of the scientific and research agreements made with scientific and research bodies.
  26. Approval of holding workshops, meetings, seminars, and other related events proposed by the advisory bodies of the research chairs.
  27. Recommending the approval of holding conferences proposed by the advisory bodies of the research chairs.
  28. Deciding on all financial, administrative, and academic affairs of the research chairs, as not mentioned in these regulations, and on any other emerging activities.
  29. Considering the issues related to the conflict of interest and scientific integrity.
  30. Forming permanent and interim committees from its members to study the tasks commissioned by the supervisory committee, with the volition to seek the assistance of those it deems appropriate in this regard.
  31. Examining the topics referred to by His Excellency the President of the University regarding research chairs.

